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How to Break any Habit

change in behavior that leads to success

By Yogesh SawantPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

n order to be successful in life, one must have some of the traits of a committed person. Dedicated people are believers in what they believe in, they stay committed to their goals, and they are persistent. They are also highly adaptable and have the ability to tolerate change.

You can break any habit by rewiring your brain to think about something else in the place of doing it. There are several techniques that you can use, including changing your environment and rewarding yourself for your efforts. In addition to these techniques, you can practice mindfulness to help you identify and manage your triggers. In this article, you will learn how to use these methods in order to change your behavior and increase your chances of success. Keep reading to learn more about how you can break any habit.

Rewarding your brain

Researchers at MIT found that every habit has a neurological feedback loop that consists of cue, routine, and reward. The cue triggers the action and the routine causes the brain to switch into automatic mode. The reward helps us overcome the urge and encodes it in our neurology. By rewarding ourselves after completing our routines, we are helping our brains learn new behaviors. This research is exciting, but you need to do the experiment yourself to see the results.

Altering your environment

Changing the environment around you can be helpful in breaking bad habits. Your habitual behaviors are triggered by your environment. For instance, when you are at a buffet, you automatically look at your phone and eat some chips. You may not even realize that your environment is contributing to the crinkling of chips and triggering your habit. By rearranging your environment to make it less enticing, you can change your behavior and break your habit.

Practicing mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can break bad habits. Though you may not notice a change in your behavior right away, the pause will allow you to avoid the impulse to perform the bad habit. The pause will also give you time to let the emotional trigger wear off before engaging in the habit again. Practicing mindfulness helps you to develop healthier habits and replace the old ones with new ones. It is a valuable skill to help you overcome bad habits and change your life.

Identifying your triggers

Breaking bad habits requires identifying your triggers and working to avoid them. Most habits are created and sustained through repeated action. The most common trigger is time. We do things such as wake up at a specific time, eat at a certain time, or check social media at a certain time. The first trigger is an emotional state. If you find yourself checking social media at a certain time, note where you are when the urge hits.

Keeping a diary

Keeping a diary can help you overcome bad habits. Writing about your daily activities can help you to achieve your goals. You can include information like workouts, diet, medical history, and so on. You can even identify what foods make you sick or which are harmful. Keeping a journal can also help you achieve your personal goals such as losing weight. The benefits are numerous, so try it out. You may be surprised to see the results.

Changing your environment

The environment you live in affects your habits. Most of us have a routine morning and workday, and our environments shape our actions and choices. It's often easier to make the first option when the alternative isn't as appealing. By changing your environment, you'll be less likely to be tempted by everyday triggers or to be interrupted in the middle of a task. Here are some ways to change your environment to support your desired behavior.

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About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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