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How to be more productive

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 5 min read

sitting in one place and paying

attention during school was close to

impossible for me I would get bored

super easily my entire textbook would be

filled with Doodles and it just felt

like my brain wasn't suited for that

kind of environment fast forward to now

and I manage three YouTube channels five

Freelancers multiple websites

programming project going to the gym

five days a week a strict meal plan

relationships and a ton of other things

here is what made such a big change to

my productivity number one adaption some

of us are just straight up born with a

brain that needs constant stimulation a

lot of the systems we have in place

rewards people that are able to sit down

in one place and like a laser focus on a

single pass for hours on end that was

not me no matter how much I tried I

didn't change my personality instead I

adapted my environment to fit my

personality during a task I can start

off really strong but I burn out quick

too so having multiple tasks in front of

me that I could switch between when one

got boring was a quick Life Hack That

expanded my attention spent two hours

instead of minutes number two fasting

this one was a weird one but I noticed

that I was more productive more creative

and even had better workouts when I was

fasted the first three hours after I

woke up I'd have almost a super power in

concentration and productivity for the

next few hours so to take advantage of

that I would make sure to tackle the

most challenging and mentally taxing

things on my schedule very early on in

the day number three environment you

ever noticed that when the area around

you is messy your mind also feels messy

when my working area has random plates

and cups I might clothes are on the

floor and the dishes aren't washed it

feels like my brain is nerfed by 20 take

the time to always have a clean and

organized area around you to boost your

productivity number four learning style

have you ever read an entire page of a

textbook and literally absorbed nothing

it's like the words on the page just

aren't connecting with your brain but at

the same time you can name all 200

Champions and their lore from League of

Legends or you know the names of every

single corner of every map on Valerie

the key here is that when you are

learning things in video games you were

actively also using the things you were

learning this is known as active

learning and for some of us it's a far

more effective way to learn than just

passively reading a textbook it's not

that your brain is incapable of learning

it's that the traditional passive style

of learning is inefficient for you once

I recognize this I began to look for

ways to make my learning more active and

Hands-On instead of trying to read an

entire textbook on how to code in Python

I started doing my own simple projects

and Googling things whenever I got stuck

finding a way to make your passive

learning be more active will you boost

your productivity by a ton number five

habits and routines contrary to what my

school experience might suggest I thrive

on routines I'm not talking about rigid

schedules that dictate every minute of

my day but having a predictable pattern

to my day definitely helps keep me on

track this includes simple habit like

always starting my work day with a cup

of green tea or taking regular breaks at

the same time each each day these habits

create a rhythm to my day once something

becomes a habit it's much less mentally

taxing it just becomes a normal part of

your routine number six study with me

for some reason when I'm doing a task

and everyone around me is also doing it

it makes me more productive having a

study group was always really beneficial

to me to simulate that same experience I

like watching study with me videos on

YouTube these are basically channels

that record themselves studying and

being productive so kind of mimics that

same feeling of having a study buddy

number seven study Role Models this one

might seem a bit silly but I always

really got into the mood to become more

productive and work on important things

after watching a piece of media where

there was a character that was really

smart and inspiring for example one of

my favorite shows ever is death note and

both of the main characters in that

series light and L are extremely smart

light especially is always studying and

is always the top of his grade little

Sparks of inspiration like that can be

really motivating number eight breaking

it all down for some of us just starting

a task is often the most difficult part

for example Apple let's say your task is

something very abstract like learning

how to edit videos there's a million

different ways to start that and because

there's so many ways it gets your brain

kind of stuck you start thinking okay

should I watch videos start a course

where do I even begin if only someone

can give us a road map with steps

breaking down the entire process well

that's one thing chat GPT is actually

amazing for if I prompt it with

something like give me a road map to

learning how to edit videos break down

the process into digestible pieces it

will spit out a very clear-cut and an

amazing way that I can start learning

how to edit videos right away it also

asks me questions that might change the

roadmap for example do I want to edit

videos to make movies or to start a

YouTube channel the learning process

might be very different depending on

what my goal is having it created a road

map for your learning process picking

your preferences into account is

something Chad GPT is amazing at doing

and it's a fairly new technology that we

can start taking advantage of right now

with that said I hope you enjoyed this

how to

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