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How To Avoid Being Lost In The Wilderness

Camping Essentials

By Perkin Published 4 years ago 2 min read

It is quite terrifying when you are lost in the wilderness and are clueless on how to find your way back. Proper planning is the key to ensure that you don’t get lost and reach your destination without any issues. Before you plan a trip to the woods, it is important to visualise some of the worst cases that could occur. Foresee the kind of problems you may face and how would you tackle such situations. Read on for tips on what you should do to avoid such worst incidents.

Seek assistance from wilderness experts

A detailed map of the location when carried saves you from a whole lot of problems. Not only will you save yourself from being lost, but also reach the destination faster. Have a word or two with a safety council staff or an expert of the wild area before you explore the wilds. This will give you a fair idea on the issues you may face and necessary precautions can be taken beforehand. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with these members as they are always ready to help. Also, understand the weather conditions, wildlife, right food sources and much more and prepare yourself accordingly. Know the kind of clothing you would need in the worst weather conditions.

Safety Gear

Carry a double edged knife as it is versatile, helps during hunts and at the same time chops or slice foods when you are hungry. A mosquito or an all insect repellent saves you from dreadful diseases such as malaria and dengue. A flashlight is yet another useful gear that protects you, especially in the dark.

Survival Kit

Some of the basic things in a survival kit may include a fire starter and a body shelter which protects you immediately. Sleeping bags, tarps, trash bags, and tube tents are some of the examples of body shelters. It also protects you from distinct weather conditions. This is a must-have and cannot be missed out under any circumstances. It could get you into serious problems. The stuff to carry in the kit depends on the place you are visiting. It is important to know how to make use of the contents in your survival kit.

Signalling Devices

First Aid Kit must include all the useful pills like a painkiller, cold reliever and more. The signalling devices like dye markers, whistles, rescue flags, strobe lights and smoke signal markers come to your rescue if you are ever lost. So make sure to carry them with you every time you plan to explore the outdoors. A metal water container comes handy when you need to boil some water.

Besides, carry appropriate shoes depending on the weather to walk and run comfortably. Carry water and other fluids to keep your body hydrated at all times. These are some of the precautionary measures to consider.

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About the Creator


I am camping lover and love to share all essentials about camping tours.

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