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Change Happens

Be ready to change quickly and enjoy life again

By John A. ColePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Change Happens
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Change happens. People change, businesses change, communities change, youtubers change. We have a choice, we can either move with change and be a part of it, or we can fight it and eventually be left behind.

Change has to happen; we have to evolve. Even in our successes we need to continue to change, because the way we achieve our success is not the way things will always be. There will be competitors who take our customers and clients, they will be able to do a better and more efficient job at a better price then we do.

It was the search engine giant Google that said they build their business strategy as though the next google will take their place at any time. You see change doesn’t have to be big, in fact some of the best changes happen gradually, in ways that those involved are all behind it.

A Dr Spencer Johnson wrote a story using amaze and cheese as an analogy for change, the core of the story is that staying in a comfort zone is not where success lies. Staying in the same place will enviably lead to failure.

They say that if you want to change the world you have to start with yourself. If you’re a Christian or know anything of Christian missionary or about the bible you will know that Jesus sent his first missionary home to be the change for the coming of the church.

So here are some reasons why change is important. Change helps and enables you to become the person you have always wanted to be. Experiences and learning all continually give you new ways of seeing life. You learn from experiences what truly makes you happy and unhappy, you learn better ways to approach situations, but most of all you learn better ways to present yourself as you focus on your future.

Things we cannot control change us, people, career paths, our geographical surrounds and even the community we live in. it is these external forces that encourage us to move forward as they have an affect on our plans and mental health. It is the bad experiences that teach us find the positive lessons to learn for our future.

Change keeps life interesting and exciting. There is always this danger that we fall into the monotonous routine of survival, going to work, to buy the food, to get energy to go to work, to buy the food…. Changing our career path or pursuing for a higher place in the company can make life outside work as well as in, more interesting as we learn new skills.

Changing as an individual or a person, can lead to new opportunities, that may present an experience we have always wanted. This point about change relates back to article I wrote about listening to the universe. Sometimes we need to change to be given the opportunities, because if don’t change in a certain way then we can’t benefit from the opportunity presented.

Right now, you might feel you are in bad place, it maybe your situation, it maybe your mental health. Sometimes the best things to end these bad times is change. They say that change is as good as a holiday. By changing the direction in which you move or the routine that you follow changes everything, however small that change is. One small change will often lead to another small change, then another and another.

Soon we find ourselves in different place, change is important because it help us to move on. As you redirect your thoughts and priorities you begin to move away from the old way of thinking. As you start moving on, the world and people around you change and match the new way you think, live and be.

As these transitions happen you find that you begin once again to make progress, the potential within you comes out and becomes easier to fulfil. Often when creators or writers are stuck on a project, they will do something else or look at it from another angle, maybe the look at a back story or they spot a hole in the plot as the reason for stalling, or they may look at another way to get to the end, which may not have been in the original plan.

Finally change is important, because it means you have something to look back on. You may journal or photograph significant events in your life. But however you document your life, as you look back you see the person you once were, you understand the mistakes you made and why you made the changes you did. You begin to appreciate the person you become, the people and world around you.

At the end of the day change happens, new technologies come and go, people come and go from our lives, businesses come and go, people are born, and people die and so the world continually changes. If we don’t change then we become extinct.

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About the Creator

John A. Cole

John is a creator and writer, who is currently working on a project to support theatre in the future. More info at

Here he posts articles on his life experiences in the hope of helping others understand life's journey.

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