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7 Tips to Help Prepare Your Family for Winter

The Importance of Winter Preparation

By KevinPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

With the holiday seasons comes chilly weather. Depending on what climate you live in, you and your family may find yourselves struck by bouts of snow, frequent showers or frigid and dry winds on a regular basis. You can do plenty of things to help ready yourself for the difficult weather to come. Take a glance at the list of tips provided below to get an idea of what you should do to prep for the wintry days ahead.

Get the Right Clothing

Make sure your family is stocked up on the kind of clothing that will make the winter season not only bearable but fun to experience as well. A great set of kids snow suits for your children will allow them to build the snowman they dreamed of in relative comfort. If you’re in an area that gets plenty of rain in the winter, a great pair of slip-resistant rain boots will protect your feet from the damp while also saving you and your family from the dangerous slipping hazards that rain-slicked asphalt can provide. Select items that match you and your family’s personal sense of style while also keeping you dry and warm.

Keep the Sunscreen Out

Don’t put away the sunscreen just yet. Harmful UV rays are still present in the winter, meaning it continues to be important for your family members to regularly apply sunscreen when outside for longer than 20 minutes. Aim for SPF 30 sunscreen and make sure you encourage your family to apply it to all areas where skin is exposed, such as their faces. To keep your lips protected, invest in lip balm that will protect your lips from the dryness of winter winds while also providing a shield against UV rays.

Use Plenty of Moisturizer

The moisture in the air significantly drops during winter. This results in your skin drying out, contributing to damage and discomfort. Invest in skin moisturizer to help keep your skin safe. Use a regular application routine on a daily basis to keep your skin looking rejuvenated and healthy. At the very minimum, focus on areas that are typically exposed to dry winter winds, such as your face and hands. Teach your children how to engage in similar practices so they learn healthy skin care routines as well.

Use a Humidifier in the House

Keep a humidifier during the winter time to help fight back against the dry winter air. Having a humidifier in the house will help contribute to a more welcoming environment that makes it easier to breathe while also creating more comfortable surroundings for your skin.

Prepare Your Vehicle for Bad Weather

Make sure you will be able to drive safely even if your area suffers from poor weather. Swap out your windshield wipers for new ones. Check your tires to ensure they are properly aligned and that the treads remain sufficient. If necessary, get a snow broom and ice scraper for your car.

Check Your Detectors

Winter is the perfect time to settle up for a cozy night in front of the fire. To make sure your family stays safe while enjoying a warm fire at home, check and change the batteries in all of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at home.

Examine Your House

Do a thorough examination of your house to determine if there are any cracks, leaks or other damages that could result in moisture or cold seeping in. You will first want to examine your doors and windows for obvious leaks and cracks before moving on. If you have a basement, make sure you devote plenty of time to examining that space as well. In addition to protecting your home, addressing any basic repairs will help keep your home free from pests.

By investing time in getting appropriate supplies and conducting a thorough check of your car and home, you can ensure your family is ready to tackle whatever challenges winter may bring.

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