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7 Effective Ways to Reduce Generator Noise

Make Your Camping Unforgettable

By Dave CotyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
7 Effective Ways to Reduce Generator Noise
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

It’s challenging to imagine camping without a generator. However, this unit has one big flaw: It can be quite noisy. So noisy, in fact, that many campers have trouble sleeping at night when it’s on!

But don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to purchase a new generator or to give up on using one just because you’re a light sleeper. There are several effective ways to reduce generator noise without too much investing.

We’ve listed 7 of them!

1. Pick the Right Generator for You

This tip is for those who haven’t yet bought a generator, or for those who really want to get rid of their old one and buy a new product.

Not all generators are the same. Some are designed for small tasks, such as keeping the lights on and charging your phone. Others might help you cook lunch and help support the heating system. There are even some amazing generators that can hold a lot of power!

If your generator has to provide a higher wattage than it’s meant for, it is going to produce more noise as it will struggle. However, a solution is choosing a quiet model. It will output your desired wattage with lower noice emissions.

2. Make Sure the Generator Is Away from You

If you already have a generator that you need to quiet down, the first step you should do is to move it as far away from your camping site as possible. This is usually limited by the extension cord lengths, but there is usually no need for it to be right next to your RV or tent.

Of course, you need to have your camping neighbors in mind, as well. Don’t place your generator next to their sleeping place – unless they’ve allowed it.

3. Place It on Grass

If moving the generator further away doesn’t help, try placing it on a soft surface. Generators vibrate while they’re on, so the surface they are placed on has a great effect on how loud it’ll be. If you place your generator on the grass, it will be quieter than if you were to place it on rocks or even dirt.

Another great options are anti-vibration mats.

4. Move the Direction of the Exhaust Pipes

The exhaust pipes usually produce the most noise. By moving them up or away from your campsite, you’ll likely be reducing decibels immediately. Not just that, but there are health benefits by not pointing the exhaust in your direction.

5. Use Water to Reduce Noise

Water is amazing at deflecting noise. This means you can use it in your advantage. What you’ll need is a hose, a large bucket of water, and a clamp.

Using the clamp, connect the hose to the exhaust pipe. The other side of the hose should go into the bucket of water. You might want to poke a few holes in the hose to prevent the backflow. The water will muffle the sound and quiet down the generator.

6. Sound Deflectors

You might also use sound deflectors to muffle down the sound as much as possible. While you can buy bunch of products online, there is truly no need to spend that much money when you can build your own sound deflectors. All you’ll need are 4 sheets of plywood, as well as a sheet of a non-flammable material, such as drywall.

Simply place the plywood around the generator at specific angles, and the non-flammable material should go on the side where there is exhaust. This will deflect the soundwaves into the ground without blocking the airflow.

7. Replace the Muffler

If nothing else works, you’ll need to buy a new generator muffler and replace your old one. A muffler is a piece of equipment that will quiet the sound of a unit by deflecting the sound waves. Just make sure to find the right muffler, as it has to fit your generator properly.

Some generators might not even have the muffler in the first place! Installing one might do the trick. Speak to a local mechanic or a hardware store to check your options.

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