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6 Tips to Stay Focused When Working from Home

Can't focus when working remotely? Here are a few tips that can help.

By Thomas GriffinPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
6 Tips to Stay Focused When Working from Home
Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

Staying focused at work is a challenge. No matter your field of work, you're likely to encounter experiences that may lead to a dwindling focus. The likelihood of such experiences increases when working from home.

Remote work culture generally encompasses flexible working hours and minimal supervision. This may have its benefits. But, there's a flip side to everything.

Humans are easily distracted especially when there is minimal or no supervision. Since remote work requires self-management, many of us struggle at staying focused on work.

However, there are ways you can maintain your focus and maximize efficiency when working from home.

Here are the 6 tips to maintain your focus when working remotely.

1. Get Rest

It's easy to lose the track of time when working remotely. This may lead to abnormal sleeping patterns which may affect your focus.

Your brain needs rest. And that doesn't mean spending more time on your leisure as it also counts as an activity. Your brain has to shut down in order to restart and perform at its optimal capability.

It's more likely for you to tap into intense focus only if you're well-rested. Without proper rest, you can easily get overwhelmed by your tasks since your energy levels are low. Irregular sleep patterns may also cause boredom and thus make you more susceptible to distractions.

So, in order to attain better focus, it's essential for you to get rest after a busy day at work. You need to recuperate in order to start fresh the next day.

2. Maintain a Routine

Remote work accompanies a flexible work routine. But, having flexible working hours shouldn't lead to an absence of routine altogether. You might not have to worry about work check-ins. But, you have to complete your tasks on a daily basis.

So, it's highly recommended to develop a routine and stick to it. Setting working hours enables you to get accustomed to a specific work pattern. This helps you improve your focus and maximize productivity when at work.

It's a common misconception to think of having a routine as boring and monotonous. You can design your routine as per your lifestyle choices.

It doesn't matter if you're a morning person or a night owl, you can set your working hours according to your preferences and ensure uninterrupted focus when working from home.

3. Stay Organized

When working from home, you are your own boss. You have end-to-end ownership of whatever it is that you do. The more organized you are in remote work culture, the easier it would be for you to manage your tasks without having to rely on others for help.

Starting your day without a plan is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when working remotely.

Imagine waking up with no idea of how your day is going to be. The first thing you're going to do is panic. Your focus will be all over the place while you try and figure out what needs to be done.

A well-thought-out to-do list helps you stay focused and make the most of your day. Since you already know what needs to be done, you'd be more efficient and precise in executing the deliverables.

4. Set Clear Goals

Having clear goals helps you stay focused when working from home. We have to keep our eyes on the ball in order to minimize the likelihood of succumbing to distractions around us.

However, you have to be mindful when setting the targets. Your goals should neither be too relaxed nor unrealistic to stimulate productivity.

If your goals are undemanding, you will feel less motivated to work. And if you've set unrealistic expectations, you would be afraid to pursue the objectives. It's an unfavorable outcome either way.

So, a wise strategy to consider here is embracing a balanced approach. There's nothing wrong with setting inspiring goals. But, they shouldn't lead to burnout or exhaustion.

5. Have a Dedicated Workspace

Working from home technically means you can work from wherever you are. Whether it's your home, a beach, or a restaurant, as long as you get the job done, no one bats an eye.

However, it's highly recommended that you have a dedicated workspace when working remotely. Having a dedicated workspace makes you less susceptible to distractions around you. It would be easier for you to cut off the noise and remain focused on the task at hand. 

There's nothing wrong with working from wherever you like. But, your surroundings may not always be ideal for your work. Since you can't control external factors, it's best to make arrangements accordingly.

6. Avoid Checking Your Phone

We are bombarded with dozens of notifications on a daily basis, be it from a news site we've subscribed to or social media apps. This constant influx of notifications leads to poor focus by disrupting our concentration. There are two ways you can tackle this.

First, switch off your phone when working. This may be a little less feasible approach to consider.

Turning off your phone won't just bar the notifications but also prevent people from contacting you. Doing this would be even more difficult if your workplace requires you to be reachable via your mobile device.

This leads us to the second recommendation. And that is to avoid checking your phone.

This is comparatively a more feasible approach to consider. However, putting it into action is easier said than done. You need a high level of self-control to ignore the temptation of checking your phone every time you hear the notification sound.

It's a Wrap

There you have it. The 6 tips to stay focused when working from home. The ultimate strategy to consider here is to minimize the impact of external forces on your workflows.

The ways prescribed in this article will help you improve your focus by making you less susceptible to distractions when working remotely. So, try out the recommendations prescribed and see if they work out for you.

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About the Creator

Thomas Griffin

Thomas is the president and co-founder of OptinMonster and TrustPulse, the leading conversion optimization sites.

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