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5 Ways to Make use of Your Fragmented Time

By Kim CruzPublished about a year ago 7 min read

In this world, the only fair is each of us "day" time: 24 hours, money is not more, no money is not less.

So how you organize your time and life wisely is one of the decisive factors in determining whether your future life can be transformed.

Fragmented learning is one of the skills you need to master.

The convenience of information makes your life fragmented

The world has broken your life into "crumbs", the convenience of information, the speed of updates, is the fundamental reason for the creation of fragments.

First of all, there is a lot of information, so you are surrounded by a lot of content.

As you can imagine, in the old days, after a person acquired a piece of knowledge, he or she had time to carefully study, consider and deliberate on it.

And now, even if a major event happens, it will be covered by other information in a week or even a day, and it is difficult for a person to sort out the organization.

Next it is the rapid flow of information that also allows the speed of human activity to increase dramatically as well.

Then the most notable example is that the pace of your work has become faster and more frequent.

You see the high pace, the speed and the demand for efficiency in work now compared to work in the past.

In the past you could do one thing for one day, but now you have to do countless jobs in one hour: leaders come to you, customers call, interdepartmental docking, and also meetings from time to time.

You just want to do this thing, other things will be inserted, so you simply do not have the whole block of time to do a thing.

Doing things in pieces is definitely not as good as focusing on the quality of things. But life is so, you have to learn how to use the fragments.

Why fragmented learning?

Mr. Lu Xun once said, "Where is the genius, I am the time that others spend on writing."

This quote is even more useful for modern people.

Do you feel that time is increasingly insufficient, and your life is full of countless trivial things, and even learning knowledge has become a state of fragments.

Because this is an era of extreme fragmentation of life and time, you have to receive more information every year than a person in the Song Dynasty or a European farmer in the 17th century, who received more information in his lifetime.

The vast amount of information enriches your life and at the same time divides your life into countless small segments. At the same time, as a person grows up, you are responsible for yourself, for your work, for your partner, for your children, for your parents.

It's hard to say no to things like: family demands, work commitments, social engagements, life's unexpected surprises.

Here you can stop for a moment and try to recall how much of your week was occupied with trivial things.

The more responsibilities you are burdened with, the more pieces of your life become.

In short, your whole life is eaten up by one small thing after another, slowly falling into a never-ending vortex, trying to struggle but can not break free.

At this point, you need to think about changing your state through "fragmentation" learning.

5 Ways to Solve "Fragmentation"

Since you can't live a fragmented life to change the status quo, you have to find a way to make friends with it, the following 5 steps to help you solve the fragmentation problem:.

1、Develop clear goals 2、Choose the right tools 3、Do a detailed split of tasks 4、Scattered content into a whole 5、Make all knowledge into a system

1、Set a clear goal

Whatever you want to learn with fragmented time, set a clear goal.

After that all the fragments of time should be acted around this goal. This goal is the bright light that guides your behavior.

For example, if you want to learn business management, then after you set your goal, try to do things related to this business management goal as long as you have fragments of time.

For example, read a small paragraph of a relevant book, or watch news related to business management, and usually think about questions about business management when you are waiting or bored.

To make all your fragmented time, related to business management.

It's like you are going on a business trip, then this goal of business trip is divided into many small acts.

For example, you book train tickets, have to pack your clothes and pack them, make appointments to go to the train station, book a hotel at your destination, etc.

All these things are very trivial, but they are all intended for your business trip goal.

With a goal in mind, even fragmented learning is sure to grow as long as it revolves around the ultimate goal.

2、Prepare the tools

The work is to be good at its preparation, it must first be good at its tools.

Once you have set your goals, you need to prepare yourself to reach them.

Or take learning business management for example, you can buy relevant books, but sometimes out, with heavy books is not convenient, driving can not turn the book to watch.

Then I thought of some ways to read paper books at home, outside the purchase of relevant e-books, so that whether waiting for customers or dinner and other dishes in the spare time, you can take out the phone to watch.

Like driving and other times when it is not convenient to take the phone, you can also consider going to listen to the relevant audio reading.

3, the task to do a careful split

Although we set down a general goal, you are going to use a very small amount of time, so you can't seek to learn too much, which requires you to make an extremely detailed classification of all the content.

Let's take the example of learning about business management. If I want to use fragmented time to finish reading a very thick book on business management, I have to break this goal down and refine it.

Like point 2 above said, you can chapter 1 at home to see, the road to see the second chapter, wait for customers to see half a section, the toilet to see half a section, dinner to see a few pages ...... so that a day can also look down a lot of content

Remember you have to use all the time you have to accomplish your goal.

4, but also learn to turn zero into whole

The so-called zero into whole is to organize the fragmented learning content, and eventually become a complete knowledge.

For example, the previous you use fragments of time to learn business management, but many times your knowledge is difficult to thread into a line.

This time you have to, using some of the tools mentioned before, the main content and feelings you learned in fragmented time, collect them, and then when you look through the summary, you can really get all the knowledge.

Many of us know to use the fragmented time, but many of us have looked at it and just accomplished the goal, and end up lacking the work of turning the fragments into a whole.

Resulting in no real integration of the fragments, it is naturally difficult to achieve the purpose of really learn.

5、Combine the knowledge categories

You have to create different databases in your mind to categorize the pieces of knowledge you have learned.

You take similar knowledge after you see a similar information and store it in a notebook on your phone to be organized in the future time for easy knowledge aggregation.

For example, if you learn business management, then you have to expand the content classification of business management in the area of your mind.

When you then see other knowledge of business management from certain places, you also have to categorize it in time for business management content.

Doing so will make you stronger and stronger in certain areas.

Final Words

If you want to make good use of the fragmented time, it is also necessary to use some skills. 5 tips to make better use of their valuable fragmented time. They are.

1, set clear goals 2, choose the right tools 3, tasks to do a careful split 4, scattered content into a whole 5, so that all knowledge into a system

Doing so will make you stronger and stronger in certain areas.

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