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5 Effective Homemade Sprays for Caterpillars

Natural Caterpillar Killers

By Heather WhitneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Just when you thought your garden was under control, along come the caterpillars! These little critters can quickly destroy leaves and flowers. But don't worry, there are a few simple solutions that you can use to get rid of them.

Try one of these homemade sprays to take care of those caterpillars fast!

Why is Important To Control Caterpillars in Your Garden?

Every gardener knows that caterpillars can wreak havoc on a healthy garden. These little creatures are the larvae of moths and butterflies, and they love nothing more than to munch on tender leaves and stems.

While a few caterpillars here and there may not seem like a big deal, a large infestation can quickly decimate an entire crop. In addition to causing extensive damage, caterpillars can also introduce harmful diseases to your plants.

As such, it is important to take steps to prevent them from taking up residence in your garden in the first place. If you do find caterpillars, there are a number of effective ways to get rid of them before they do any real harm. With a little effort, you can keep your garden healthy and caterpillar-free!

5 Effective Homemade Sprays for Caterpillars

Eucalyptus Oil Spray

Making your own eucalyptus oil spray is easy, and it's a great way to get rid of caterpillars naturally.

First, gather a few fresh eucalyptus leaves. You can also use dried leaves, but fresh leaves will yield more oil. Next, place the leaves in a jar and cover them with olive oil. Then, let the mixture sit for a week so that the oil can infuse with the eucalyptus.

After a week, remove the leaves and pour the oil into a spray bottle. You can then use the spray to get rid of caterpillars on your plants. Just be sure to avoid getting any on your skin, as it can be irritating.

When using eucalyptus oil spray, always take precautionary measures and follow the directions on the label. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make your own natural caterpillar repellent and keep your garden looking great all season long!

Garlic Spray

Garlic spray is a great way to get rid of caterpillars without resorting to harsh chemicals. Plus, it's easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients.

To start, you'll need to gather garlic cloves, water, and dish soap. If you have a blender, that will make things easier, but it's not strictly necessary. Once you have your supplies, simply blend the garlic cloves and water together until they form a smooth paste.

Then add a squirt of dish soap and mix everything together well. Once your spray is ready, simply apply it liberally to any plants that are infested with caterpillars.

The soap will help to break down the insects' exoskeletons, while the garlic will repel them from your plants. Just be sure to reapply the spray every few days until the caterpillars are gone for good.

Citrus Spray

The citrus spray is not only effective at killing caterpillars, but it's also safe to use around children and pets. To make it, simply combine equal parts water and citrus juice (lemon or orange juice will work fine).

Then, add a tablespoon of dish soap and mix well. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to the affected area. The dish soap will help to break down the caterpillar's exoskeleton, while the citrus juice will kill them outright.

For best results, apply the citrus spray early in the morning or late at night when the caterpillars are actively feeding. With regular applications, you'll finally be able to get rid of those pesky critters for good.

Chili Pepper Spray

Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which is a natural insecticide. To make the spray, simply mix together chopped chili peppers and water in a blender, then strain the mixture through a cheesecloth.

The liquid can then be poured into a spray bottle and used on plants that have been infested with caterpillars. Just be careful not to get the spray on any part of your body, as it will cause irritation.

When used correctly, chili spray can be an effective way to get rid of caterpillars and protect your plants.

Molasses Spray

Molasses is a thick, dark syrup that is produced during the refining of sugar cane or sugar beets.

It is high in sugar and contains several nutrients that are beneficial to plants. When used as a spray, molasses can help to control caterpillars and other pests by suffocating them. To make a molasses spray, simply mix one part molasses with four parts water.

This can be done by stirring or shaking the mixture in a container. Once mixed, transfer the solution to a spray bottle and apply it liberally to your plants. Be sure to coat all of the leaves, stems, and flowers.

For best results, use the spray early in the morning or late in the evening when caterpillars are most active.


If you're looking for a natural way to get rid of caterpillars, these homemade sprays might do the trick.

Keep in mind that not all of them will work on every type of caterpillar, so you may have to experiment a little bit to find the right one for your garden.

Have you tried any of these methods? Let us know how they worked for you in the comments below!

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Heather Whitney

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