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10 Underrated Marketing Lessons You Can Copy Right Now

“Marketing is boring. It’s just about selling stuff and making money, right?” Wrong! Sure, marketing is a crucial part of any business’s success, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun

By Deladem KumordziePublished about a year ago 9 min read

I know what you’re thinking: “Marketing is boring. It’s just about selling stuff and making money, right?” Wrong! Sure, marketing is a crucial part of any business’s success, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. In fact, there are lots of ways you can use marketing to build relationships with your audience and help them achieve their goals — no matter what they may be. Today I’m going to show you 10 unconventional branding lessons that will help you get more customers while having fun at the same time. Let’s dive in!

Have a game plan.

You should have the end goal of your marketing plan in mind before you start working on it. You should know what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, and when you will say it. This will help keep things organized and efficient.

If you don’t know where your content is heading with its message or purpose, then no one else will either! Remember: “content is king”. If all your efforts are focused on creating great content but not promoting it effectively enough, then no one will see it because they have no idea that it exists!

Don’t use too many colors.

The best designs have a limited color palette, and your marketing materials should be no exception. The easiest way to do this is by using a monochromatic or analogous color scheme, which means you use one dominant color with several shades of that color. For example, if you’re using red as your dominant color, then you can choose from shades like pink or orange for accents or other secondary colors.

This allows the eye to focus on the design itself rather than on trying to make sense of different hues and tones at once. It also makes it easier for people to remember what they saw since they don’t have too many colors floating around in their minds at once (which can lead them losing track).

The more you personalize, the better.

Personalization is the key to building a relationship with your customers. It’s about giving them what they want and need, which is why so many companies are investing in personalization technology.But how can you incorporate personalized marketing into your own company? Here are some tips for making it work:

Personalize content. Using dynamic content, you can create one piece of content that changes based on who’s viewing it. The simplest way to do this is by using custom fields in your website forms — for example, creating an ad with different calls-to-action depending on whether a user has downloaded an ebook or not. You can also take advantage of social media features like Facebook Custom Audiences or Google Customer Match ads to serve messages specifically tailored for specific groups of people based on data from their social media profiles (e.g., if someone follows a certain brand on Instagram).

Personalize design. Designing different versions of your website pages based on visitor behavior will allow you to provide more relevant messaging than ever before! For example, if someone goes directly from search results onto one page but not another page after visiting two similar pages within two days time period then perhaps there’s something wrong with those other two pages (and maybe those folks should be sent those instead).

It’s not about you.

You can’t spend all of your time thinking about what you want to do. You need to spend equal time understanding your customers and figuring out how they think, what they want, and what problems they’re trying to solve.

Get out of the office and talk to people — not just your existing customers but also people who are potential customers. Put yourself in their shoes and think about whether or not the product or service you offer is going to be valuable for them.

Give away your best stuff.

When you give away your best stuff, you build trust. You have to know what your best stuff is, of course. That’s the hard part: being honest with yourself about what product or service is actually worth paying for. You may not be able to answer that question right now — but it’s worth asking yourself and thinking about over time.

If you did know what your best stuff was, then giving it away would probably help build relationships with people in two ways: firstly by showing them what they’re missing out on if they don’t buy from you (assuming that there is some kind of value in buying from you), and secondly by creating a relationship where both parties feel like helping each other out because of mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s work (as opposed to one party feeling taken advantage of).

Use storytelling to connect with your audience.

Using stories to connect with your audience is one of the best marketing lessons you can learn, but it’s also one of the most underused. People love to hear stories and interact with them more than any other kind of content. Use storytelling to do three things:

Build trust with your audience by sharing personal experiences that show you’re human (you can’t be anyone else!) and that they’re not alone in their struggles or concerns.

Showcase your authority on a topic by sharing things only an expert could know or understand, even if you have no formal credentials.

Help people relate to what you do by using interesting examples from your life (or others’ lives) that illustrate how things work — and why they should care about them!

Use storytelling as often as possible so people will remember who you are and why they should buy from YOU instead of someone else.”

Write headlines that get attention.

Use a question: Write headlines that get attention. You need to create content that not only people will want to read but also talk about with others, so make sure you write headlines that grab attention and give them something they want to read about.

Use a number: Use statistics or numbers in your headline if possible because it helps readers understand what type of content is contained within the article without having to actually read too much into it themselves before deciding whether or not they want it for themselves as well! This can also help boost conversion rates since most people tend to stick around longer when there’s something exciting happening all the time!

Don’t be afraid of the sales page.

How do you get your first customer? You write a great sales page. The sales page is the most important part of your entire website, and it’s also where people will make a decision to buy or not to buy your product.

The sales page needs to be designed with one goal in mind: to help the visitor make their decision and feel comfortable with their purchase. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as descriptive text and images, testimonials from previous customers, pricing information (including any discounts), etc.

Do things that don’t scale.

Doing things that don’t scale isn’t a new idea. It’s been around for decades, taught in business schools, and talked about by marketers everywhere. But it still works.

So what does “do things that don’t scale” mean? It means doing something manually instead of using technology to automate it. For example, if you want to create an email list of your customers’ emails so you can communicate with them later on, it would be faster and cheaper to just buy a list instead of manually adding the contacts one by one yourself (which would take forever). But if you’re trying to build relationships with your customers over time through personalized messages — like sending birthday wishes or asking them how their day was — then buying an email list will add little value compared with simply sending personal emails yourself each time someone signs up for your newsletter or asks for more information about your business.

It may seem obvious that doing things manually can be better than automating everything; after all, we have computers now! And automation is awesome when it comes to time-saving software like Microsoft Word or Google Sheets — but there’s something deeper going on here: If you’re looking at marketing as another way of building customer relationships instead of just getting more sales immediately (or even long-term), then taking the time upfront to write emails yourself might actually pay off more in terms of loyalty than buying an email list ever could

Use testimonials from big brands to build social proof and authority for yourself.

Social proof is an extremely powerful form of marketing. Using the word “celebrity” in our headline was no accident. By using testimonials from big brands, you can build social proof and authority for yourself by showing your audience that others have already seen value in your product or service. Here are a few examples of big brands that have used testimonials to their advantage:

McDonald’s customer satisfaction survey says they’re “the best at fast food.”

Subway has a viral video showing how much weight people lose after eating their sandwiches every day for lunch for two months (and yes, it actually happened).

The New York Times published a review of an audiobook version of The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood — a book that came out before Amazon even existed!

Marketing is all about connecting with people on an emotional level, so make sure to always put your audience first and make it about them instead of about you!

Marketing is all about connecting with people on an emotional level, so make sure to always put your audience first and make it about them instead of about you!

It’s a common mistake that marketers to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of trying to sell a product or service. But when you focus too much on yourself or your business, you end up forgetting why customers are even coming to you in the first place. Instead of talking about yourself, try finding ways to make it all about them — their needs and wants.

The biggest takeaway here? Make sure that whatever marketing strategy or tactic you choose for your company is actually improving the lives of others in some way by increasing their happiness, by making their lives easier or more convenient (or whatever else).


If you want to be successful with your marketing, it’s important to keep these principles in mind. At the end of the day, most people don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care. By putting yourself out there and showing others that they matter, even if just a little bit, you can get ahead in this competitive world we live in today!

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About the Creator

Deladem Kumordzie

Challenging everything I know, unlearning & relearning⚡️ A rare breed of business and technology. Business Planning || Branding || Front End developer || Graphics || Entrepreneur || Interested in Venture Studios

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