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Why Swift is the perfect language for building iOS and Mac apps?

Swift is one of the most talked-about open source projects of the last 10 years.

By Rakesh BaldaniyaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Why Swift is the perfect language for building iOS and Mac apps?
Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

What is Swift's magic?

Swift is a general-purpose language that is fast, safe, and modern. In many ways, it is very similar to languages such as Python and Ruby, but it is more restrictive and much stricter. As such, it has many benefits over the alternative Objective-C. First, let's look at the similarities. Objective-C vs. Swift.

Swift is one of the most talked-about open source projects of the last 10 years. Apple's brainchild and the open-source community are highly devoted and supportive of the language. Enterprises have taken notice, and it's widely considered a more secure, safer, and more accessible language to write in than Javascript. It's also young enough to still be in active development, and areas like Swift Package Manager make building a package ecosystem around a language relatively easy.

Swift is the best language for building Apple software.

Swift is the default programming language for Apple's iOS and Mac software. It's also the fastest-growing due to its expressive power and practicality for building apps. Building mobile apps is quite different from other programming types and demands its language. In a short time, Swift has become the best language to use for making iOS and Mac software. Some reasons for this are given below:

Since Apple announced Swift as the successor to Objective-C, it's had a massive impact on how we get apps, tools, and other software from Apple. Of course, since Apple announced plans to make its operating systems and related tools all open source, it wasn't long before we started seeing the arrival of Swift code in Linux distros, Android repositories, and clusters of microservice-based web apps.

Why Allowed? Apple has signaled that it wants Swift to be wildly successful, so there's tremendous road support for anyone who wants to join in now — and make it the core of their new business. Splitting Swift into two has removed some significant pain points for developers, especially in the Hire iOS Developers and Hire Android Developers or iOS environments. In less than two years, Swift has become more popular than Objective-C, which is remarkable considering how massive the latter has been since it launched in 1984. Typescript is now the hot new kid for use on the web, which shares many of Swift's core features.

The origins of Swift

Swift was introduced as Apple announced the release of the new iOS and Mac. I will use Swift in this article to describe What Swift is and how it started. I have written an essay before on What are Compilers and Interpreters? It will help if you read the article to understand the basic concepts of interpreters and compilers, as some pictures will be used below. Swift is a new programming language (Objective-C started over 20 years ago) introduced to build iOS and Mac Apps.

The reason for Swift is because Swift is more secure while developing apps, more flexible than Objective-C, and easier to learn and master than C and Objective-C. Apple's decision to rewrite it took several years of work. Now, let me dive into the key points around.

Apple's decision to ditch Objective-C and create an entirely new programming language, Swift, is bound to be remembered as one of the most significant decisions in the history of the company. Previous iOS releases could be credited with bringing most of the innovations – touch and Siri, for example while OS X's beautiful designs were often hampered by the need to shoehorn the same features and controls. Apple has called Swift a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language for safe, modern, and fast applications. Now, developers can make fewer trade-offs between clarity and speed while building apps that can run across a range of Apple devices.

why you should use Swift?

  1. Let's face it: Objective-C is a beautiful language, but it's minimal. Even if you couldn't care less about its syntax, it's a single-method-per-file language that makes things hard.
  2. The sheer amount of code you have to write, test, and maintain can be overwhelming. Of the few Obj-C features that developers frequently use, less than a dozen are built into Swift.
  3. While developers learned to love software engineering because it's fun and clever, not because it's safe, Swift is still pretty new and has undergone many changes. Apple, on the other hand, has always been a Luddite.
  4. As far as they're concerned, if it is not broken, don't fix it. That's why the millions of iOS users have been stuck with the same four regular fonts forever, the same ugly themes since the dawn of time, and the same third-party apps that update at an excruciatingly slow pace.


About the Creator

Rakesh Baldaniya

An experienced SEO professional with over 7 years of experience in the field. I have worked company helped them achieve their online marketing and SEO goals.

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