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Super Apps: Why Should Businesses Invest In?

While the phrase is new, the concept is not. Super Apps are simply 'Apps' that have been designed for multi-purpose usage and that assist in 3 or more of the 10 stages of a business' life cycle.

By Rakesh BaldaniyaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Super Apps: Why Should Businesses Invest In?
Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

While the phrase is new, the concept is not. Super Apps are simply 'Apps' that have been designed for multi-purpose usage and that assist in 3 or more of the 10 stages of a business' life cycle. They save businesses time and money.

Yet, despite the many benefits of having an App, it's not surprising that small and medium-sized businesses aren't jumping on the bandwagon – they are a notoriously risk-adverse lot.

Startups and small to medium-sized businesses make up 98% of all businesses but account for a mere 5% of all App users. Yet, they account for 80% of all downloaded Apps.

Why is that?

The main reason small businesses aren't investing in Super Apps is because they consider them to be too costly. But that's only because they mistakenly believe that each App needs to be built separately from the ground up for each stage of the business life cycle.

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To be successful in today's digital economy there's no way around it, businesses must seek to Swift Developers for Hire. Grewon Technologies Pvt. Ltd, an app development company and a part of Grewon Group of Companies, is here to tell you why.

The world has changed, and with it, our business practices. The old ways no longer work and something new is what the market needs. This "something new" is mobile apps.

The fact of the matter is that people are spending more time on their smartphones than they are on their computers, which means that you need your business to be on the phone to expand your reach and have a competitive advantage in the market.

A new study by Pew Research Center finds that 46% of adults now own a smartphone, up from 35% just two years ago. In addition, smartphone ownership has jumped from 15% to 68% among 18-29 year olds in the same period.

This is just the beginning. The trend is only going to continue and it's not hard to see why. The smartphone is the ultimate tool for efficiency and people are using them more and more to get things done quickly and easily.

For businesses, this means that there is a growing opportunity to reach out to customers and prospects through this channel.

Mobile apps allow businesses to be always on, always accessible, and always ready to engage with their audiences.

They offer an unparalleled level of convenience that no other media can equal. And they offer a level of personalization that is unrivaled in terms of its ability to reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

Now is the moment to invest in mobile app development if you haven't already. Grewon Technologies Pvt., Ltd can help you develop a strategy and create an app that meets your specific business needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed in the digital economy.

Why Should Businesses Invest In?

To be successful in today's digital economy there's no way around it, businesses must seek to develop an app. Grewon Technologies Pvt. Ltd, an app development company.

The world has changed and with it, so has the way we do business. The old ways no longer work and something new is what the market needs.

This "something new" is mobile apps. The fact of the matter is that people are spending more time on their smartphones than they are on their computers, which means that you need your business to be on the phone to expand your reach and have a competitive advantage in the market.

A new study by Pew Research Center finds that 46% of adults now own a smartphone, up from 35% just two years ago. In addition, smartphone ownership has jumped from 15% to 68% among 18-29 year olds in the same period. This is just the beginning. The trend is only going to continue and it's not hard to see why people are using them more and more to get things done quickly and easily.

For businesses, this means that there is a growing opportunity to reach out to customers and prospects through this channel which provides a level of convenience that cannot be matched by any other medium.

And they offer a level of personalization that is unrivaled in terms of its ability to reach the right people at the right time with the right message. So if you're not already investing in mobile app development.


About the Creator

Rakesh Baldaniya

An experienced SEO professional with over 7 years of experience in the field. I have worked company helped them achieve their online marketing and SEO goals.

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