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Landing Your First Job

The First Step in Your Career

By Kevin GardnerPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

A job hunt—particularly the first one—will take hard work, wading through the strange waters of resume writing and business search websites, plus intuiting just what the potential employer wants while sidestepping interview landmines. Before you even consider submitting the CV to a potential employer, you have had a lot of work to do. You'll want to adapt your summary to this work, reconnect with the references, come up with keywords to help you improve the search, make some business cards, and so much more.

What to Look For

Applying for the first job is a rite of passage for some teens. Not only are jobs a good means to make money, but they'll give you plenty of education and business skills along the way. Though you may just want to relax all summer, you’ll be glad that you have found your first job. It will give you a sense of purpose. Once you've found a work that works with your education plan, make a summary and cover letter for your prospective employer. If you get their attention, they'll invite you in for the audience to decide if you're the best way. With lots of hard work and attention, the first job is just one application away.

Find a good business advertisement that goes way beyond simply promoting the prospective new hire. Find a job that inspires and makes you want to be part of the team. Most job advertisements go to great lengths to demonstrate that the team knows what they want from a new hire. Once you are prepared to apply to your dream job, you must do a good deal of research and development. Be sure that this is the workplace environment that you are seeking.

How to Apply

Firstly, when applying for the business, you need to explore every aspect of the business and the organization before leading to the audience. You should see the company site, read their blog and still note on a couple of blog posts. Learn about the people you are interviewing with. Remember their titles and roles in the organization. The more you learn about the company that better you’ll do in the interview.

Preparing Your Application

You’ve likely already been made aware of how crucial it is to perfect the CV and produce a tailored cover letter for each job you apply for. However, what you might not know is that the test-taking may help as well. Aptitude tests assess the related skills and decide if you will perform the duties that are needed for the job you are applying to. Since then many prospective candidates have the same qualifications and educational background, ability tests are a good choice for corporations to decide between candidates.

Before the Interview

If you are about to interview, make sure you’ve done your research on the role, the company, and who you’ll be working with. Find a way to relax beforehand, to steady your nerves. Spend time with friends and list your concerns. Maybe go for a walk in the woods to clear your head. Or perhaps you’ll seek out the company of your pets. Take the dog for a walk and rehearse your elevator pitch. Review some of the potential job application questions. There are plenty of examples online. You’ll be happy you did. Finally, make sure you are looking sharp, and feeling good the day of.

Consider the people you want to work with and for and what your career goals are and whether this position will help you achieve them. Whether that is the very first business or you are changing industries, you may consider the objective statement to state your intentions. In the future, you may become a great business leader like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and D Gary Young. So as you start this adventure, focus on selling points, and showcase accomplishments or related work that prove you are a great candidate. Be honest about what you are looking for in a position, and only apply places where you’ll be a good fit.


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