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How To Use Colors To Improve Your Wellbeing

Exercising your choice in the colors around you can give you a much-needed lift.

By Syed BalkhiPublished about a year ago 6 min read
How To Use Colors To Improve Your Wellbeing
Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

Are you looking for ways to improve your well-being?

Is the current state of your mind leaving you feeling down or anxious? Then you might be in need of some colors in your life.

As colors have the ability to affect our moods and emotions, making us feel calmer, lighter, more relaxed, or energized. And it's called color psychology.

For example, what color you use in your website or blog can make a difference in how your readers perceive the content.

If your use yellow, it becomes cheery and lively. Or if you want to create a feeling of serenity in your home, then you should use white more.

But again, not all colors have a positive effect. That's why you need to know color psychology because you can't use colors correctly if you don't know the psychological effects they have on us.

Not to mention, it's powerful to actively make choices in your life about the colors you surround yourself with. It's well known that the more control you exercise around your life and environment, the better you feel. So, start making decisions in what kind of colors you include in your life. For all you know, you'll find the push to start a business, travel abroad, meet new people, and more.

Effects Of Different Colors

Not only colors but even shapes and sizes also influence our minds.

For instance, take logos. Colors, shapes, and even a logo design create an instant reaction and connection with customers. Think of McDonald's, their logo is red and yellow, which stimulates our hunger.

All colors have some kind of effect on us. Let's find out how each color affects us.

  • Red has a symbolic meaning of excitement, passion, and energy. That's why red tends to increase your heart rate, which in turn can make you more alert and motivated.
  • Orange is associated with warmth, enthusiasm, and vitality. Hence when we see orange, it brings out creativity and joy in us.
  • Green is usually related to nature, growth, and freshness. And has a calming and soothing effect on the mind.
  • Yellow gives you hope, happiness, and energy. It is also believed to be a spiritual color that can stimulate your brain and give you more energy.
  • White is all about purity and innocence. It's a neutral color that brings out a sense of peace, and clarity.
  • Brown is a grounding color, it's associated with nature and stability. So if you're feeling down or stressed, brown color can help create a sense of balance.
  • Black Gives off a sense of elegance and power. And is called the color of power, authority, and sophistication. Other than that, black is also believed to be a calming color and has the ability to bring out creativity and focus in us

So this more or less summarises the effects of each color on us.

However, the impact of color depends on the context in which it’s used. The color black can symbolize mourning or negative emotions, or it can represent wealth and power as evidenced by how black credit cards are reserved for the ultra-wealthy.

And let’s not forget that there are many other shades different or in between the ones we discussed. What matters is how you use these colors or combine them to create the effect you want in your life.

Now that you know this information, let's move further and discuss how to use colors to improve your well-being.

How To Use Colors To Improve Your Well-Being?

1. Choose Colors That Speak To You

When it comes to choosing the right colors, make sure you go with the ones that speak to you.

For example, your favorite color is yellow. Now, yellow is the color that usually stimulates the brain and gives you energy.

But for you, yellow is the one that brings peace, calmness, and clarity to your mind.

Thus to put it simply, always pick the colors that resonate with your psychology instead of just going by the standard definition.

2. Make Use Of Calming Hues

Calming hues are usually blues, greens, white, grey, and pastels. They have a soothing and calming effect on the mind that can make us feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Most of the time, interior decorators recommend using white or hues of blue for your bedroom for calming and peaceful sleep. And recommend yellow for offices as it is believed to help increase productivity. You could even use it to help you focus and retain information better. For example, when you study at home or do online courses and need to concentrate.

Moreover, if you are feeling anxious, then simply add some green plants around your workspace, as green is known to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind.

3. Include Colors In Your Daily Life

The easiest way to start using colors for your well-being is by incorporating them into your daily life.

For instance, you can start decorating your workspace with some of your favorite colors. And adding colors doesn't mean just painting the walls. You can use various colors in the form of wall decorations, furniture, and other accessories.

If you use the blue color in your workstation, it will help keep you calm and focused. So, if you add accessories like a blue pen holder or a blue file, it will have a calming effect on your mind.

Create the palette of your choice of colors and then add them in some way or form in your daily life.

Apart from adding colors to your environment, you can also start wearing clothes in different shades that represent your mood. For example, if you are feeling calm, then go for white or light blues and greens.

And why not add your colors of choice to your personal brand or work?

4. Use Lights Of Different Colors

Lights have a great impact on our mood and overall well-being. And depending on the color of light, it can have different effects on us.

For example, warm white lights emit a cozy and comfortable yellowish kind of light that helps in creating a relaxed atmosphere.

On the other hand, blue and red lights have different effects on our minds. Blue light can make us more alert and energetic, while red light warns us of warning and danger. Most of the factories use red lights to alert the workers of any upcoming risks.

So when you are trying to improve your well-being, make sure that you adjust the lights in accordance with your mood.

Different colored lights create a certain ambiance in the environment. And this will help in calming your mind and make you feel more positive.

To Sum It Up

All in all, colors have a significant impact on us.

And they're all around us. We're surrounded by various colors that can have a direct effect on our well-being.

Choosing the right color and using them in the right way can help us create the ideal environment for our personal growth and development. So now that you are aware of the effects of colors on your mind, use them to your advantage and start creating the perfect atmosphere for yourself.

By doing this, you will be able to enhance your mood and improve your well-being.


About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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