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How to support me as an Artist

Only if you want to

By Keepers Published 3 years ago 3 min read

Hey everyone! I’m writing because it has come to my understanding that a lot of you want to support my art but can’t necessarily afford to do so. So I’m making a list of ways that you can support me as an artist! I’ll be listing some ways with and without money you can keep supporting me.

Feel free to use these ways as ideas to help fund your own creativity!

Now let's get this boring part over with. First things first the easiest way to support me is through my redbubble where I’m currently selling stickers! If you don’t see any you like feel free to message me asking if a particular art piece of mine can be put up there/ or if you have an idea of what I should draw next to sell on redbubble.

Now personally I don’t think I’m ready for commissions because I don’t think my art is good enough but if you DM me asking I won’t stop you. I’ve been thinking about selling comic panel re-paintings for awhile but I just want to build a bigger portfolio in that type of art so I can give you guys a better look at what you would be getting into buying a painting from me. Also I’d need to figure out a way for you guys to pay me and figure out shipping so I’m currently working on that.

Secondly, the free ways you can support me:

Welcome to vocal! This website is pay per view! I’ve linked my writing account and this account as ways you can support me. I make 3.80 per every thousand views So the more you click through my works the more I get paid. For every 250 views I get paid a dollar! I will be posting weekly updates on this particular account as well as some just for fun comic related content. I’ll take requests for what you want me to talk about in my writing. Now my other account is short stories and poetry that I write. So I might make some writing series over there with my ocs and stuff. As of writing this I have five pieces up so go give it a look if you're bored.

Number two is subscribe to my YouTube channel. I want to work on getting some possible revenue from YouTube but I can’t do that without your help! I need 1000 subs and 1000 hours of watch time in order to make the cut. I’ll be making more videos soon so rewatching videos and watching new ones is a big help. I also have a twitch account where I’m gonna do Art and Minecraft streams so please check it out and give me a follow on there too. It’s honestly really motivating to have someone to talk to well I stream so just stop in and tell me about your day if you have the chance.

Thirdly, tell me what you guys want! Leave comments on posts you like and give me recommendations on what you want to see next from me. I can’t guarantee that I’ll do it but it’s important that I know how you guys feel. I’m sure a lot of you are here for my fanarts but if you like an oc or one of my ocs stories tell me and I’ll do more art of them!

Well now that you know all that I want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. I am really grateful that you care about my art and writing and I hope to continue this journey along with you.

To all my artists friends, remember if you need any help just ask and feel free to message me if you have your own vocal account I’ll be happy to give it a follow!

how to

About the Creator


Gonna write weekly updates about what I’ve been up to. Mostly just for my insta so people know what’s going on when I go off the grid.

I also plan on talking about my interests and other things!

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