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How to Generate Hundreds of Leads from Quora EASILY

Why Answering Questions is Essential for your Business

By Book SummariesPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How to Generate Hundreds of Leads from Quora EASILY
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Quora is a popular question-and-answer website that can be used for lead generation. Quora has over 500 million total visits each month. This article will show you how to grow your business by using this powerful social media platform and generate hundreds of leads from it with ease.

You might have heard of Quora before, but chances are high you don't know this: Quora is a goldmine of potential leads. It's also one of the most powerful social media platforms around. If you want to generate hundreds of high-quality leads for your business quickly and easily, then these simple steps will get you there:

Develop a strategy and stick to it

If you're looking to generate hundreds of leads from Quora, you must develop a strategy and stick with it. The last thing you want is for your posts to come across as spammy or inappropriate because this can hurt your reputation on the platform--and consequently in real life too.

Be active online every day Look at other successful users and see what they do each day when they are using Quora: how often they post, which topics they focus on etc., And make use of the following tips accordingly to increase the effectiveness of your ROI (return on investment).

Create an effective Bio

Your profile bio is an essential part of your Quora account. A good bio is catchy enough to make people want to learn more about you and why they should follow you, but not so long that it's difficult for them to read or understand who you are.

Take advantage of the Answers section

Quora's answer section is a great place to include links back to your company blog. If you're not having these in your content, it might be worth taking some time to do so. It can help give people more information about your business and inspire them to engage with you on Quora.

Share high-quality content

Quora is a place that people come for answers to their questions. If you post low-quality or irrelevant content, then they'll soon get bored and leave without really reading your response. Always make sure your posts are original and engaging so that Quoring becomes an enjoyable process rather than a chore.

Make use of the Questions page

The Questions section offers opportunities for users to engage with one another in conversations about topics related to your niche area, which can also be used as an opportunity to generate leads from Quora by asking relevant questions. For example: "Does anyone know how I could improve my blog's conversion rate?" would work if you're looking for more traffic on your website. Or, if you are planning to sell dog toys, you could ask, "What is your favorite type of dog toy?"

Focus on metrics that matter

If you're looking to track the effectiveness of your Quora strategy, then there are some simple metrics that will help. You'll want to know how many reads you have on each answer and which ones produce the most traffic back to your website, as well as where people come from when they find out about your business. To do so, you can use simple link tracking tools like, for example, "bitly".

Be helpful while building a following

Treating others with kindness is always essential online, but it's especially true for Quora because this social media site relies heavily on community contribution. If someone posts a question into one of the specific topics in which you specialize (for example, dog training), make sure to not only provide them with an answer but also follow up by answering any related questions that may arise afterward.

What type of questions to answer

Answer open-ended questions than yes or no answers. For example, "Is there any way to make dog training easier?" vs. "Should I give my dog one command at a time?".

Stick with topics that people have been asking about lately and address them in detail (i.e., the presidential elections as opposed to something like taxes).

Look for questions that get a lot of monthly views. You can easily do so by using the Q-Answers chrome plugin for free.

Make friends with Controversy

This is an important point. Quora isn't just about sharing content and having people share your posts (although that can be a great way to grow your following). It's also about being helpful, both with answering questions of others as well as those you've been asked yourself. If someone asks a question and it's one you know the answer to. Still, they don't seem interested in reading or learning from what you're writing--even if it sounds like they might need more help than other readers would--then make sure not only to address their specific issue but include additional information that can benefit them so long as it fits into the topic at hand. The goal here is to cultivate relationships with these members on Quora for different reasons than you so that they're more likely to keep coming back for the help you provide.

Final Thoughts

Quora can be an excellent place for generating leads if you know how to use it. For example, by following these guidelines and tips, you could quickly generate hundreds of high-quality leads in only a few days! It doesn't take much effort at all once you get the hang of Quora. Start today with some basic steps like those outlined above and see how many new prospects find their way into your business each day.

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