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How to do 'Reassigning' in IFHRMS - ( Full Guide )

There are few things, for which we need to keep some people records in both desks or departments. That's where 'Reassigning' comes into the picture. This is one of the most important features in IFHRMS. The process of Reassigning in IFHRMS is very simple, and in this video article, we will take you through all the steps involved in it.

By Md Fahad AlamPublished 2 years ago • 4 min read
Video Source: Youtube (@WeLookUp )

Check out the above video to learn how to do "Reassigning" in IFHRMS (2021 Full Guide).

Visit - 👉 IFHRMS 👈 to do the IFHRMS "Reassigning" process.

Reassigning in IFHRMS is the process of transferring an employee's record from one department to another in IFHRMS. This is one of the most important features of IFHRMS which helps HR departments to keep track of their employees easily.

For example: Reassigning employees' records from HR to Accounts and vice versa happens in both departments.

Why do we need to use Reassigning in IFHRMS?

There are a few reasons for which we need to keep the employees' records in both departments:

1) When an employee is changed from one location/state to another location/state, then we need to transfer that particular employee's record from one department to another department. Using this Reassigning tool, we can easily do that.

2) The employees may move from one department to another department. For example, we need to transfer an employee's record from the Accounts department to the HR department or vice versa.

3) There are some cases where the employee has joined the organization first, and then moved on to some other job that is not related directly to it.

This usually happens when an employee gets promoted to some other job where his/her responsibilities are completely changed than before.

4) There are some organizations, where the employees get transferred to offices of different locations. For example, An employee gets transferred to an office in another city or state.

5) There are some employees, who are shift workers. They need to work in two or more shifts. So their shift timings get changed which is mentioned in the shift timings file.

6) There may be some cases where an employee has resigned from the organization and left his job for good, but still, we need to keep his/her record in IFHRMS for various reasons which we have listed above.

In such cases when we have to transfer that particular record from one department to another department then Reassigning feature comes into use.

7) In some cases, we need to transfer the records from one department to another department as some new employees have been added to those departments.

For Example, We have added new employees to the Accounts department, then we need to transfer that employee's record from the HR department to the Accounts department.

8) There are few departments in an organization where the same employee may be posted in two different departments at the same time. For Example, We may post an employee's record in HR and another employee's record in Accounts at the same time.

9) There are some cases where our organization has its office in a few locations or states, and the number of employees is greater than one location/state at the same time.

In such cases, there is a need to create an additional department for each location or state. To do so, we can use the Reassigning feature of IFHRMS.

10) We are also using Reassigning feature of IFHRMS when it's necessary to move/transfer the employee's record from one type of post to another type of post at the same time.

How to do Reassigning in IFHRMS?

There are some steps involved in the process of Reassigning in IFHRMS for an employee:

1) The first step is to go to HR, click on Employee Screen. And then click on the "Reassignment" link.

2) Now enter the employee's details, by showing all associated documents with that particular employee's record. For Example Date of birth, source department involved, the reason for reassignment etc.

Then choose the department where you want to transfer that particular record from. After selecting the department you can now give a reason for this reassignment as well as select whether it is manual or automated.

3) You can now "Confirm" or "Cancel" your changes as per your choice.

4) On the confirmation page, you can see that reassignment has been done successfully.

5) In case you want to cancel it then you must choose the option "Cancel Reassignment".

6) There may be some cases where we have to undo the reassigning process for a particular employee's record. In such cases, we can use a feature called 'Reversing'.

This is used when we have to transfer all or a few documents from one department to another department at that particular time.

How to overcome the failures in the IFHRMS Reassigning process?

There are a few reasons for which we may have to undo the reassigning process:

1) The reason may be that while the reassignment is going on, we have updated the environment of IFHRMS or other things. So it can't be done. In such a case, you must select the "Cancel Reassignment" option from the Reassignment page."

2) Some errors may happen while transferring documents from one department to another department.

In such cases, you must again go through all the fields and click on the 'Cancel Reassignment' button available at the bottom of all fields.

3) The reason may be that some error has happened during the process of reassignment. In such a case, you need to retry the reassignment after repairing the error.


Once the reassignment is complete, you can see that it has been done successfully on the selected department's page or location.

The role of the Reassigning feature of IFHRMS is to be able to deal with transfers between departments, locations and posts at once. This helps in making the employees' records on IFHRMS easier to manage.

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About the Creator

Md Fahad Alam

When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.

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