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How To Create The Perfect Resume

The perfect resume for your dream job

By Jason RoyPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

So you want to create the absolute perfect resume, huh? It’s not easy, but when you follow some general guidelines, it becomes a simple process. It doesn’t take much to create a perfect resume, but if you don’t follow these guidelines, you might be sending potential jobs a resume that they won’t even want to read.

List The Most Important Information First

It’s extremely important that you list the most important and relevant information first. In your skills section, make sure you put your most relevant skills at the top of the column. Although the potential employer will most likely look at all of your skills, it will be the first ones that they pay most attention to.

Same goes for your jobs, awards and certifications, and even the bullet points and short paragraphs within your jobs. You want to list the most relevant information first. And by relevance, I mean making sure that the information relates directly to the job you are applying to. So if you are applying for a management position at a warehouse, make sure in your job information area that you list first that you were a manager of a specific amount of people. Don’t list that you started as a warehouse worker or do any manual labor or that you can do a whole bunch of different tasks. Of course you can list certain relevant aspects that a manager might do or have to know how to do, but most important is that you were a manager and you managed X number of people while working in management.

For awards and certifications and extra training, make sure you put the most relevant and most important at the top. Even if you took a certification class or training earlier than other types of training, make sure you list the most relevant first, because it will be the first thing they look at.

Using The Job Post Keywords Inside Your Resume

The person who made the job posting added in specific keywords for a reason. They actually want their applicants to be able to possess these skills and have these shining attributes. So make sure you include these keywords in your resume. And yes, that might mean you have to change up your resume and do some editing and adding.

If they added keywords like “strong leader, can work with a team, understands inventory management, able to lift up to 75lbs or more,” make sure you include these skills inside your resume. You have to realize that all a resume does is get you to the next step of the application and interview process. You will have more chances to show and tell what else you can do, but for now you just want to get to the next step. So when they create a job posting and then look at your resume, all they will think is, “Wow, this person says they have all the skills and requirements we have for this job!”

Use A Two-Column Layout

Using a two-column layout is very important if you want your potential future employer to have an easy time reading your resume. One-column layouts can work, but aren’t as easy on the eyes, and at the same time it’s very difficult to get everything you want on your resume to show up on one page.

When you use only one column, the eyes of the person reading it will have to scroll left to right much longer, and generally they can become more lost and have a feeling of irritation, especially if you have paragraphs of text.

Using a two-column layout gives a fresh look and makes things organized which is an attribute that every employer wants for their employees. Give yourself a good first impression and keep it to two columns. List your about me section, job history, education and training/certifications/awards in the main column. The second smaller column should include your name, contact information, skills, and possibly certifications and awards if you can fit them into the smaller column.

Keep It To One Page If You Can

Finally, keep it to one page if you can. Your resume doesn’t need to be multiple pages nor should it be. Don’t think that longer resumes mean you have more history or are any better than any of the other applicants. You want to be able to fit everything you need onto one page (two maximum) so that your potential employer can have a relevant picture of who you are as a worker.

Use these guidelines and you’ll find that your resume looks a lot better, and you will be more likely to get the job without having to send out resumes to many jobs. You can also search on google how to fix my resume to get more tips.

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