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Here is why I prefer to work with Freelancers

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By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Over the last five years, I've become a firm believer in the power of working with freelancers. When I decided to switch from my job at a large corporation to pursuing my own business ventures, I was nervous about taking on that kind of risk. But I knew from experience how much easier it is to work with individuals than entire teams and departments. That's why, when I did go out on my own, one of the first things I did was hire contractors instead of adding more employees and managers to our company payroll. Why? Well, there are plenty of reasons! So let's examine some of them now:

I prefer working with individuals than corporations.

When I hire a freelancer, I get more personal service. The freelancers are always available to answer my questions and address my concerns. They can respond to me within minutes of my request, usually within 1 hour or less. When you hire a corporation, it takes days or even weeks before they will get back to you and sometimes they don't even reply at all!

Cheaper prices: Most of the time freelancers have lower rates than corporations because they're not charging huge staff salaries or overhead costs like office space and benefits packages (which are not included in their contract). Also, because they work on an hourly basis rather than fixed price projects like corporations do, there's no risk involved if something goes wrong during your project – which means no surprises when the bill comes due at the end! Finally, hiring an agency often comes with hidden fees such as 'duplicate copy charges' if any material needs to be reused from previous projects; whereas working directly with a single person allows us both more flexibility when handling things like this since we don't have someone else controlling our every move :)

I get more personal service.

The fact that I can actually talk to a freelancer on the phone, email them or have face to face meetings is a big deal for me. There are many times when I need something done right away and if it wasn’t for my freelancers, I wouldn’t be able to do so.

Another good thing about working with freelancers is that they also get to know me as a person. This helps build trust between us which is amazing because it allows them to work better at what they do and help me out more than ever before! And not only does this benefit the client but the employee too!

Cheaper prices.

The first reason I choose to work with freelancers is that they often charge less than a corporation. The reasons for this are simple:

  • A freelancer does not have the overhead of running a business, so he or she can charge less for their services.
  • Freelancers don't have to pay for office space, equipment, or other expenses that would add up in time and money.

I can rely on them.

Freelancers are more reliable and accountable than full-time employees.

Employees have the luxury of being able to take long vacations, sick days and personal time without any repercussions from their employer. This means that they often don't see their work as something that needs to be done or finished in a timely manner because they know that they'll still be getting paid regardless of what happens during their absence.

Because freelancers know that each assignment they receive could mean missing out on other opportunities if they don't complete it quickly enough, they tend to work harder and faster than those who do not have this looming threat hanging over them.

Choosing to work with freelancers has been a positive move for me

Choosing to work with freelancers has been a positive move for me. Freelancers are more flexible and can work with you to meet your needs, whereas employees may not be able to do that.

Freelancers also tend to be more willing to help you out if necessary, because they don't have as much of a commitment as an employee would have in terms of time spent working together. In addition, freelancers are usually cheaper than hiring someone full time (I'm talking about a lot cheaper), which is another reason why I prefer working with them over other people!


I would recommend that you try working with a freelancer for your next project. You can find great options at Freelancing Services Agency!! It is a great way to get the job done and you will be able to work with someone who is passionate about their work. You can also see if they are reliable by looking at their customer reviews.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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