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Get an idea of average skip tracing pricing for Real Estate Sector

In this article, we'll explore the average pricing for skip tracing in the real estate sector in the US.

By SKIP FORCEPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

If you're in the real estate business, you know that tracking down elusive leads is part of the job. Whether it's finding the owner of an abandoned property, locating a seller who has disappeared, or getting in touch with a buyer who's gone off the radar, skip tracing is an essential tool in your toolkit.

But how much does skip tracing cost, and what should you expect to pay for these services? In this article, we'll explore the average pricing for skip tracing in the real estate sector in the US.

What is skip tracing?

Skip tracing is the process of locating a person who has moved or is hiding, often for the purpose of debt collection, fraud investigation, or in our case, real estate. Skip tracing typically involves gathering information from a variety of sources, including public records, credit reports, and social media.

Skip tracing can be a time-consuming and complex process, requiring specialized knowledge and expertise. For this reason, many real estate professionals choose to outsource skip tracing to professional investigators or skip tracing companies.

How much does skip tracing cost?

The cost of skip tracing can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the case, the type of information being sought, and the geographic location of the subject. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 per skip trace.

Some skip tracing companies charge a flat fee per search, while others charge an hourly rate. Hourly rates can range from $50 to $150 per hour, with the average rate falling somewhere in the middle.

It's important to note that while skip tracing can be an effective tool for finding hard-to-reach leads, there are no guarantees of success. Even the most skilled skip tracing professionals can't always locate a person who doesn't want to be found.

What factors influence skip tracing pricing?

Several factors can influence the cost of skip tracing services, including:

Complexity of the case: Some cases are more complex than others, requiring more time and resources to complete. For example, tracking down a person who has changed their name or gone off the grid may be more difficult than locating someone who has simply moved to a new address.

Type of information being sought: Skip tracing companies may charge more for certain types of information, such as criminal records or financial data.

Geographic location of the subject: The cost of skip tracing can vary depending on the location of the person being sought. For example, it may be more expensive to locate someone in a rural area with limited access to public records than someone in a major metropolitan area.

Level of expertise of the skip tracing professional: The more experienced and skilled the skip tracing professional, the higher the cost of their services.

How to choose a skip tracing company

When choosing a skip tracing company, it's important to do your research and choose a reputable and reliable provider. Look for a company with a track record of success in the real estate sector, and ask for references from other professionals in the industry.

You may also want to consider factors such as the company's level of expertise, the types of information they specialize in, and their pricing structure. Some skip tracing companies offer package deals or discounts for bulk orders, so be sure to ask about these options as well.


Skip tracing is a valuable tool for real estate professionals looking to track down elusive leads and close more deals. While the cost of skip tracing can vary depending on a number of factors, the average price range falls between $50 and $200 per skip trace.

By choosing a reputable skip tracing company with expertise in the real estate sector, you can increase your chances of success and save time and resources in the process. So if you're in the real estate business and struggling to track down a hard-to-reach lead, consider enlisting the help of a professional skip tracing provider to help you close more deals and grow your business.


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One of the best real estate lead generations companies in US region

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