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Finances: Insights To Be A Protagonist In The Post COVID-19 Market

A "new normality" is beginning to emerge in the world, as the COVID-19 pandemic allows production and commercial activities to resume.

By HowToFind .comPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Finances: Insights To Be A Protagonist In The Post COVID-19 Market
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

But few things are the same today as they were yesterday. COVID-19 is leaving behind great changes in the world. I'll try to point out some of them.


Companies should focus primarily on the digital transformation. Being digital is not just an option, it is the only way to stay in the market.

There is no sector of the economy or company size that can say "I don't need to invest in digital". Anyone who thinks that way has no future.


Online trading is no longer a secondary option. Physical stores will be redesigned as spaces to experiment with the brand, but sales will migrate to the Internet faster than previously thought.


95% of Starbucks stores have reopened in China, but in-store movement is 60% of what it was.

People don't stayed in the store anymore, they buy and leave. Starbucks is revising the model, reducing the shared spaces.


Traditional trade will be reduced

By Marcin Kempa on Unsplash


The largest American retailers have already laid off over 1 million people and are expected to reemploy only 85% of them by the end of the crisis.


There will be a revolution in the way we learn on all levels. Mass online education is being tested in the midst of the crisis.


We will move away from "just in time" inventory methodologies and bring "just in case" into play.

Companies have learned from the crisis that they need to have higher security stocks, especially those with long supply chains.


Globalization will suffer a severe setback, replaced by protectionism. In recent decades, the United States has developed a supply chain with China that caused Americans to lose technological capacity to manufacture domestically.

This will change for security reasons.


Travel habits will change radically. Business travel will be reduced, replaced by video calls. Leisure travel will be to places that allow more contact with nature, to places with low concentration of people.


There are 1,700,000 viruses detected in animals, of which 1700 are coronaviruses. We have to learn from this crisis and be prepared preventively to have an outbreak every decade.


This crisis provides the opportunity for a great revolution in the education and health systems, with a greater role for online systems.

By camilo jimenez on Unsplash


The individual rights to health will be debated all over the world, since the personalized monitoring of each individual is one of the most effective strategies to control epidemics. However, they can also be used by governments to control people.


The consumer was "forced" to migrate to e-commerce. Companies that manage to provide a good experience in all aspects will not lose that customer in the physical stores at the end of the pandemic. On the contrary, businesses that are not prepared will lose their place.


Professionals who are busy today must start thinking about the future of their profession, they must keep up with new technologies all the time.

Universities need to communicate endlessly with the market and understand the needs of supplying the content in demand, which is no longer what universities offer students today.

Either you are learning all the time or you are unemployed.


The crisis should not be seen as a time to cut costs. You have to think about investing in new areas, in new technologies.

There will be many opportunities for companies that act quickly, we will be reborn in a new world, we will live a "new normal", life will be different, nobody knows exactly how, but we have to remain open-minded and prepared to adapt with agility to what is coming.

And you? What do you thin about the post COVID-19 world?


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