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By Hannelly PerezPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

As a lot of people know the economic is changing in many aspects, it is true because of this situation we are living now the economy has changed a lot affecting people in the whole world. Now speaking of workplace maybe in 5 or 6 years it will be completely changed, everything is going to be digital, the companies is going to use machines instead of people everything will be technological. We have to be prepare to everything that is coming. Now in this moment there are countries that were more affected than other. The past and the present of economic develoment sets platform for the long-term future.

We have to know what the economy is an area on the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services by different agents. A market-based economy is one where goods and services are produced and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (as economic agents) by barter or medium of exchange with credit or debit value accepted within the network, such as a unit of currency.

The global economy is facing what is likely to be the worst economic disruption. As the pandemic rapidly spreads globally, the concurrent economic fallout of this health crisis is expected to be grave. Now on day the technology is driving human progress. Our increasingly interwoven partnership with machines has opened up new opportunities for organizations across the globe.

Today 82% of business leaders expect to see integrated teams of humans and machines working within their organizations within five years. Institute for the future set out to explore the impact emerging technologies will have on the economy by 2030.

A research forecast that emerging technologies and human machine partnership will transform out economy, remove age old frictions and usher in new ways of doing business and creating value. Emerging technology will help less developed economies overtake others with aging infrastructures by offering new ways to create value and go to market. Distributed ledgers will empower the disenfranchised to document their identities and participate in the formal economy. A new more inclusive world older could emerge.

It's been a great10 weeks for people who own U.S. stocks. The market rose about 45 percent in the 53 trading days from march. This enormous positive run has prompted cheerful predictions that better days are near at hand, despite a lot of deaths. Now, to the main point. The stock market is supposed to be a predictive indicator, so if stocks are going up so much so quickly, isn't the market trying to tell us something.

The only reason unemployment fell and our economy has not totally imploded is that congress has thrown trillions of dollars at our economy to help businesses survive and stop people from having to file for bankruptcy because they lost their jobs, had no income and little or no saving, and couldn't pay their bills.

Given that the only thing keeping business and the economy afloat has been massive amounts of borrowed taxpayer money and federal reserve moves to try to stabilize financial markets, cutting back on the taxpayer money being shoveled into the economy could cause things to start sinking again.

A question that we ask to ourself is can the economy have advantages to us in the future? the answer is yes. The people need to know how administrate their income and don't waste money in things that are not important. there are four types of economies: traditional, command, market and mixed. The market is very important in the economy. This is a system in wich economic decisions, such as the prices of goods and services, are determinated by supply and demand. The assumption behind a market economy is that supply and demand are the best determinants for an economy's growth and health. These market forces influence what goods should be produced, at what price the goods should be sold. The advantages of a market economy include increased efficiency, productivity and innovation.

In a truly free market, all resources are owned by individuals, and the decisions about how to allocate such resources are made by those individuals rather than governing bodies. Because governments have some involvement, there are no recognized economies that are 100% free.


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