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Don't write a book

Here's what you can do instead:

By Cosmin Published 2 years ago 4 min read

As a writing coach, there are many people who want to write a book. But lately, the advice I've given to all these writers is not to write a book.


My mentor has always said that 90% of humanity dream of writing a book. He did a quick poll before writing this article and found that his estimate was correct. Many, if not most, dream of writing a book and putting their name on the cover. It's a matter of reliability. Your status as an individual brand as an influencer, sky rocket in a book of your name, especially in this era. Why doesn't everyone write a book?

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It's not easy. If so, everyone is doing it and the reliability factor isn't that high, right? "If you fail in literature, you risk failing as a person because the entire matrix of your being works in it. So this is the point I warn, don't do it Isn't it stupid? The probability of completing a book is one thousand to one!

— DBC Pierre ¹

Writing a book is a commitment

I see writing a book as a long-term devoted relationship. Short stories, essays, long Instagram captions-whatever you like, it's fun. But they are like summer affairs. In the case of a book, when it's terrible, when you don't go where you want to go, when the stubborn and blank pages stare at your eyes and you dare to say a word, whatever you say, you're the book You have to support, but you know that whatever you say is wrong. You also need to enjoy the day when they are in your arms and the sun is just right on their face and you don't want to be anywhere else. This book takes on your entire life, your schedule, and every day is planned around it-where you eat, when you sleep, the people you meet. The book in the bubbles of you and your own little time and space plays the dance of the universe, the legacy of all mankind.

This brings me to the question that most people rarely ask themselves before making a relationship or deciding to write a book-you are ready for a long-term commitment. mosquito? And I mean long term. Do you know how long it takes to write a book? Time is (usually) counted in years.

No, what people want to write, what they really want, is basically to write an original book that will be memorable. If you are thinking of writing a book, I hope you have read a book someday. Lots of books on safety. You are comfortable on the couch, in bed, and in other strange positions where you find your body sitting and curled up while you devour a book. This book stayed beside you for some reason, and it leaves your own little path that you may follow in the same footsteps and may be discovered by someone else, and while you are reading the distortion. That's why you want to be okay on your own. You have to invest time in this. And there are many. So ask yourself. Do you have time to invest in this relationship with unborn books?

It's all about time

Let's disassemble this.

In 2019, I am a much younger writer than I am today and have about 6/7 years of writing experience. I thought I knew everything. I approached from an elderly gentleman who wanted him to write his biography. He recorded most of his life, but English wasn't the best and didn't fit seamlessly as a whole. It wasn't a story, it was just a record of what he did. He asked me to write the book. With the confidence that sweet youth flows through my veins, I told him I would finish the book in 6 months. I wrote an average of 1000-2000 words per day on some projects. The goal of this book was 90,000 words. In my mind I did math: 90 days to write the first draft and another 90 days to edit it. All math makes sense. After the commercial was over, we stepped into an unknown world. I wasn't a stranger in writing books-I wrote some of the first drafts of many books that haven't been rewritten and edited yet. But I made my first draft and knew I could do it again. There was money to accomplish this and it was always a great incentive.


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