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Dating the Good Guys..

They exist..I think.

By Justice for AllPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Nothing touches my heart faster than a good guy. The simple, uncomplicated kinda normal. That has always been my normal..with one exception in 2019. Before him it was Waffle house and movies, on the weekends. After him it was my FBI agent, whose daughter I would take to get her nails done. Then him. He was and remains the worst thing I ever bought coffee for. There have been a few first dates that should have been second dates, empty I love you's by them, and a million I would have dated thems. I always wonder what it would be like to be their girlfriend-. I am always a forever kinda girl. I fall in love with little sweet things about a guy, things like taking out my trash, or sending me a lesson plan. Looks don't really cover it but they don't ever hurt, but an IQ, support and care simply is everything to a woman like me.

If you want to know how a man loves, look at how he loves his children or animals. What he is willing to do when he is busy, if he apologizes when he messes up. Don't ever take that for granted. Men like that are not a dime a dozen. They are the rarities in the universe.

My adopted Dad, a man who I miss so much, trusted me more than his own son. With his company, his wisdom, and everything he valued. He was always wanting me to find "The Guy." Not because I couldn't take care of myself, but because he wanted to see me happy, loved and protected. He told me I was the most amazing thing he ever adopted. Not having him in my life, simply because of an ex and a corrupt county, has been the thing that has been the hardest. An ex Army, ex Navy Seal and Ex NYPD homicide detective I am still the living embodiment of everything he ever taught me. He would have a fit about what one "man" put into motion. He also would always tell me how much family I have, and that I always have a place with him.

The end game is always happy ever after-these days it has nothing to do with law school- because the people I wanted to help, won't do anything to help me help them. It used to be Grad School for trauma counseling with first responders- but they keep making it worse.

However, The Guy - doesn't seem to exist in the universe, definatly not Georgia which is the opposite of what I knew of Ga Men. My biological father said "Men in the South treat dogs better than women" in 2015. I made the mistake of defending them. In 2019, they turned into exactly that...It seems in 2022 it really hasn't changed. Nine months ago there was a deputy or two, technically three- one wanted to marry me have a baby with me and take me home then came the "ex wife saw my phone" and I still want to talk but I am not actually going to talk to you even when you reach out, the TN deputy who "are you fucking kidding me" a first date with a Cherokee County Sheriff deputy who I hate I lost his phone number. Then there was the firefighter- I had a mad crush on , and wonder what he is doing almost every day, because we were friends, and he got me through a tough spot when I didn't even tell him what was going on. Then there was the ghosting by a guy I would have dated. I love to see people happy, and in love when I care about them, I really do. I just have standards, which I can't say for a lot of the men in Georgia, which I hate. I really do. Not all the good ones are married, gay or taken. They just apparently are not existent in my circle. When do I get to date a not stupid one?

Guys can you not see a Red Flag waiting to explode in your face- and months if not years of drama when it is right there in in your face?

Seriously, just remember when you are having sex with her- you are having sex with every guy she has. Luckily , my sexual history only includes a few lawyers, a few cops, a firefighter, a US Marshal, an ATF Agent , and like one civilian. Only one of whom belongs in a jail cell, and that is his own fault. I have said this for years, nothing makes you more unattractive to a good woman, as when she sees you or tell her you are sleeping with women she would only wish on her worst enemy..But I have watched guys do that for a decade.


About the Creator

Justice for All

"Justice delayed, is justice denied" "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Tattooed, Employed and has a Psych degree..Always on the look out for a group of Avengers.

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