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8 Things You May Be Doing Wrong At The Office

Take ownership of your mistakes and evolve.

By Ryan MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
8 Things You May Be Doing Wrong At The Office
Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash

Even though workplaces differ one from another, some common things happen to everybody. In this article, I will provide you with a list of 8 things that you can do wrong at the office.

It is better to know and notice these things, to avoid them and become better. Our recommendation would be to avoid this thing and to try to stop doing them. I avoid these things, you will be more suitable for a management position.

You get used to complaining about certain things very often:

It is not important what your motives are, but if you complain a lot, your coworkers will think that you are not willing to sacrifice for the team and to solve the problems. Also, with this attitude, you will spend many resources useful and will not be capable of working at your maximum potential. Productive people do not complain about the problems they have, but they are always looking for a solution.

You find a lot of excuses:

If you are the type of person that finds excuses for yourself, you will not get too far on the hierarchical scale. Employers do not like people who always have an explanation, often unfounded, for any mistakes they have made. It is better to focus on doing things well and admitting your mistakes if it's necessary. Avoid blaming other colleagues and finding unnecessary excuses.

You avoid certain tasks:

It is not advisable to postpone the difficult tasks. It's good to organize your timetable in such a way that you find the resources to perform the difficult task. Also, try to tell and convince your coworkers and employer that you are completely committed to the projects you are working on and that you will do everything possible to fit in time.

You accept that someone else will solve your problems:

Instead of avoiding difficult tasks and hoping that you will not need to do them, it is better to ask your colleagues for advice on how to handle things, but in a way, you don't disturb them. While they will try to help you with what they can, keep in mind that you solve the problem and take responsibility, not them.

Do not ask for rewards too often:

It is very good to sell your skin very expensive, but don't ask for rewards too often, because you may not get them and this can damage your self-confidence. Do not reject tasks only because you feel that you are not properly rewarded. Instead, work harder and better and wait for the rewarding to become natural.

You lack motivation:

The lack of motivation is a very big problem and employers can easily see if a person is motivated or not. It is better for you to work hard and to struggle to see the advantages of the work you do and not to find excuses and blame others.

You do not improve your working skills and motives:

People always expect that you become better at your job while time passes and you gain more experience. If you want to be a candidate for a higher position, you should show everybody that you work hard on becoming better at your job and struggle to manage some things and to help others. A good piece of advice here is to do courses, work on new programs and take into account advice from more experienced people.

You stay away from difficult people:

We learn early on to avoid those who cause us pain. On the playground, this is fine–but not in the workplace. We all enjoy spending time with folks with whom we get along. But it's from individuals with opposing viewpoints (even if they're difficult to hear) and diverse personalities that we may learn the most. Don't be scared to engage with folks who may appear rude or have opposing viewpoints. People who push us, not those who believe precisely like us, are the ones who help us grow. And, as your job progresses, you'll be required to work with an increasing number of different types of individuals, so it's a beneficial practice.


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About the Creator

Ryan Miller

Yin & Yang | Happy. Positive. Half Graphics Enthusiast, Half Tech Savvy. Copy Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer. Crazy 100%.

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