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8 steps seo strategey in 2021 that you need to know

8 steps seo strategey in 2021 that you need to know

By EfulPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
8 steps seo strategey in 2021 that you need to know
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is website optimalization for search engine in order to acquired a better ranking on search engine result organically.

From the day after day, SEO (Search engine optimization) is getting become most favorite marketing channel. It is proven that 70%-80% google visitors are more interested to organic search result and ignoring ads search result.

This is proves that organic search result is much better and has more trust because indeed the google algorithm nowadays able to knowing which website that has a credibility.

Nevertheless, need to know that search engine (google) is always updating the algorithm to determine a web ranking.

The last one is updated on december, that is december core algorithm. Even though on the beginning google got some criticism from many companies because it is so close to christmas day and threatening able to disturbing the holiday of company's employees. However, google keeps doing rolling-out for its algorithm.

Therefore, SEO optimalization which you running also ought to suitable to current google algorithm. Even while, when released of core update algorithm a while ago google only said that this algorithm update wasn't far to the previous one, the following we will provide you our prediction about SEO Strategy in 2021 which is fit to current google algorithm.

Before you reading further, Now I am going to tell you that has SEO Service which will help you to increase your web traffic in order to stay on the top of google page. But, if you want to do it by yourself, the following is the strategy which is you need to know.

1. AI has a wider of role to search result

RankBrain is AI of google that changes how google provides search results to visitors. Previously, the majority of visitors had to open up to page 2 and the got the best result. Nevertheless, with RankBrain we can get on page 1.

"The other signals, they are all based on discoveries an insight that people in information retrieval have had, but there's no learning". Greg corrado, senior google scientist.

By that greg corrado's conversation, we can get the meaning is this AI of google will always get thrived as the insight that resulting from google's users. Which is much relevant, they will shown

So, how the way to optimate the SEO of our website to AI RankBrain??? Well, actually there's no peoples know the detail is. But, from the couple of insights and also our SEO team specialist. We believe that user experience of the web really crucial factor. Because that is the main runway in order to make visitor satisfy to our websites. Beside of that, the details of written content and also accurate to become a main key.

2. Searching voice provides you new keywords.

The innovations of google assistant, apple's siri and amazon's alexa create a new behaviour to users. That is seeking an informations by voice search. And this voice search, in the future will creates new keywords by itself on and on, especially question keywords. Where usually user asks something, for instance "how many the citizens of indonesia in 2020?"

If we look at publisher's view or website owner, you will getting intense to optimating your content using question keywords. So when there's people use those keywords and your website is going to shown up to page 1

3. Mobile-friendliness has a huge affected

In 2019 ago, google had released mobile-first indexing which is asses how mobile-friendly a website is. This is really reasonable because the increasing of smarphone's users within last five years and predicted by 2025 later 73% internet users will use smartphone as their daily device.

4. Content with E-A-T will preferred by google

More content which are exist on the internet forces google to issue the newest way to deciding which content that indeed made by professional ones and which content that just re-written without paying attention to the quality of it. That's why google released E-A-T method those are Expertise, Authority and also Trustworthiness.

5. Fuller content has greater impact

Content with 2000 words more acquire 3 times higher traffic amount, besides that content with 2000 words more acquire 3,5 times higher backlinks amount than other websites.

It is because denser content means providing informations that more complete. Nevertheles need to pay attention, more words amount also ought to directly proportional to informations which are shared. Don't do keyword stuffing just because in order to the number of words is more

6. Snippet featured will more popular

Although the begining of release snippet featured there are a lot of website's owner who provides critique to google because by snippet visitor featured need not login to website anymore to get an informations. By that website's owner who earned money from ads will drastically decreased.

7. Google Discovery

In 2017 Google has released the newest AI algorithm which is claimed able to predicted what would visitor looking for or providing what is visitors like to. This data acquired by google based on google users behaviour and would shown at google browser hompage in every their smartphones

Along with that AI, google has a capability to shows articles as what is users like to so that resulted higher CTR levels. How it works almost similar to Tiktok which is able to providing very relevant contents and liked by each users.

In order to your website appears on google discovery, you needn't to doing anything. If your content is good enough and relevant, it would appears on each relevant google users by itself.

So, the key is back to your content, the quality content become the main runway

8. Image optimization

Visual images become content that is very concerned by users. This thing proven that users behaviour of google shoping selected product based on the picture

Besides that, there are a lot of user google who also consider that image is crucial thing within on articles. More informative pictures in articles, also getting higher that article's opportunity to appears on page 1 google. Besides that google and several others companies are developing AI image-recognizen which is able to compare one image to other images.

Thank you So much for you to reading till the end, and please kindly to support me as you could, I would be appreciate it. Have a great day:D


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Hi there, I am Syaefullah Nur from Indonesia. I am reader and now I try to providing my best articles for you guys. Enjoy it;)

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