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Wrong is Wrong!

Title doesn't Exempt a lesser Character

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

Yet again, another life has been taken away from us and that is a bottom line that we need to prevent. I'm not here to smear what we already know. Unfortunately, these brothers will get what is coming to them, as all officers that swear to uphold the law and protect the citizens of their local community. This article is not about defunding the police, or backing the blue, but a highlight of those who excuse their title for good character.

Now the local news is reporting that one or maybe some of the individuals that murdered Tyre Nichols, could have been associated with a Greek Fraternity. Now there is suppose to be a certain level of shame and guilt as we have expectations for this Fraternity to make a statement. My question is, a statement for what? There can never be an excuse or statement to excuse the lack of character from a person who decides to have an impure moment.

When are we going to stop being surprise that "assholes" comes in all shapes and sizes, professions and ethnicities and backgrounds? I hate to use this event for an example, but this only adds proof that we have to take our time when it comes to vetting individuals, especially for positions that provide service and protection to the general population. We have mental health doctors that need to stop prescribing medication because they are addicts with a pen. There judges out there who make immoral decision based on feeling and revenge, instead of law and principles. The mess never stops and person's true character will always surface, no matter their profession.

I really think we should have a greater checks and balances system when it comes to hiring and appointing public officials. Any profession dealing with the safety and protection of human people should be subject to special evaluation at any given time. A random check to avoid routine slip ups and those who might dodge the system. Something needs to be put in place. We are having too many moments where society is caught up in the "I cannot believe its butter" moment and wonder why tragic events happen.

Why are we not paying attention to moments until it is too late. I'm sure if there is a search conducted in any public official's history, there is something that could have been looked at that alarmed us of this individual's behavior. Here is something that is very scary. In the state of Texas, it is not against the law for a medical doctor to write their own prescription. I have personally been told this by the medical board and that is a very disturbing thing to ignore. The Texas medical board can present a statement of standard practice and play make believe as to how serious they take a stance on abusive medical practices, but I raise the bullshit flag on that statement every time.

We have these professions that provide a service to the public, that needs a better checks and balance system to filter these immoral people out at any time before there is a time deemed too late. The movie flight was a primary example just for the fact that even though the piolet saved lives during that tragic event and it was also proven that equipment failure was a major factor in the scenario, the fact that he was under the influence while responsible for other lives, made him pay the ultimate cost.

We have a bunch of people out here under the influence. Judges, doctors, attorneys, police officers, and the list goes one. Yet we hold the position of surprise as if we could not believe that person did the immoral act.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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