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White Paper Cups

A Very First Date

By Georgia CurzonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
White Paper Cups
Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

“Hurry up Luke! We don’t want to be late for school,” said Andy to his son. “Coming, just one more minute,” Luke yelled down the stairs. It was the going to be the most important day of Luke’s life to date, according to him. Not even his 7th birthday party the month prior, which featured real lizards and snakes from the zoo, could top this. “I need to look nice for Lizzie, yesterday I asked her to be my girlfriend,” explained Luke from the backseat of his fathers’ truck, peering in the rear-view mirror and slicking his fluffy brown hair back.

“That’s a big step, pretty serious for the two of you, so is she your girlfriend?” Asked Andy. “Dad, she told me that we have to go on a date first. So yesterday mom and Lizzie’s mom said she can come over and it has to be PERFECT.” “Well, I won’t be home until just after four o'clock so mom will be picking you up from school, but once I’m home I will help you get all set up for Lizzie,” replied Andy. “Okay, thanks dad.”

Luke wondered for a moment what to do this evening, he had never been on a date before after all. “What sort of things do you and mommy do for dates?” Luke asked his dad. Andy looked back at Luke and replied, “Well, our favourite thing to do lately is to order in food from our favourite restaurant, set up the table nicely and pour some glasses of wine. It’s nice to just be at home and hangout, have a couple drinks and relax. Sometimes we even get dressed up like we are still going out,” Andy explained.

Luke pondered for a moment, “Hmm, that sounds nice,” he said. “I know Lizzie really likes pizza. Can we get some and me and Lizzie can eat in the backyard?” He asked. “Yeah, I’m sure we can work that out, we can set up the patio for you two,” said Andy. “Great! It will be so perfect.” Luke said. “Alright Bud, out ya go, I’ll see you later.” “Bye dad!” shouted Luke, as he slicked back his hair again, checking to make sure he looked perfect through the window.

“Mom hurry, Lizzie will be over soon, and I have so much to do! Drive!” An antsy Luke shouted from the backseat, as he fastened his seat belt. “Honey, we have plenty of time, we will be home in 5 minutes. You can go get ready and once dad is home, he can help you get the backyard all set up and I will order the pizza in the meantime,” his mom replied. Of course, they hit every red light, and each time Like persuaded for his mother to run them and in exchange he would clean his room. Each time he was highly disappointed with her response. “FINALLY!” Exclaimed Luke as he ran to the front door, anxiously waiting for his mom to unlock it.

Sprinting in, Luke headed straight upstairs to get ready. He swung open the closet doors to a bevy of buttoned up shirts and ties, trying to decide which one will look best, which one will impress Lizzie. “This blue one is nice,” he thought. “But this red one will make me stand out more.” this went on for a while. Shirts to his distaste were tossed behind him and ties strung from the dresser and nightstand.

“Okay, this is the one.” Luke decided, looking in the mirror at a navy-blue button up and a black tie strung messily around his neck. The black pants complimented the tie nicely. Even though they were a bit big, he decided they had to do. His hair was still slicked back from the morning and all he needed to top it off was to smell nice. “Perfect,” he said as he left the bathroom smelling of Old Spice. Just as he walked into the backyard to look at the patio, his dad arrived home.

“Hey Hun, how was your day?” Andy asked Sarah. “Oh good, can you believe how excited Luke is to have Lizzie over? It’s adorable,” said Sarah. “Yeah, he talked about it the whole ride to school, he even asked me what our dates are like. I gave him some good advice,” replied Andy smugly. “Well, that explains the outfit,” laughed Sarah. “Outfit?” Andy questioned. “Oh, you’ll see. How was work today?” she asked. “Honestly, it was a long day and I just want to relax, have a glass of wine and do nothing,” he replied.

With that, Andy walked upstairs to change before helping Luke. “What happened in here!?” Exclaimed Andy as he looked at all the dress shirts and ties tossed across the room. “Oh man, I can barely breathe,” he stated as he walked into him and Sarah’s bathroom to see the lid of his cologne opened. “Boy, I’ve got to get that kid more dress clothes apparently.” He quickly piled the shirts and pants back into the closet and placed the ties on the dresser. He changed and went back downstairs to check on the patio situation, hoping that it was in better shape than his room.

“The pizza is ordered. Luke is waiting for you in the backyard. Take these out with you,” said Sarah as she gave Andy a handful of things for the table. “Will do,” Andy replied. Hands full of date supplies, he headed out back to preview the set up. “Not bad Buddy, can I give you a hand moving the table into the middle of the deck?” Andy asked Luke. “I guess I could use a hand,” replied Luke as he struggled to pull it over.

“Hey, If you guys would like, mom and I can come outside when you’re done eating and we can all have smores around the fire!” Andy suggested. “I bet Lizzie likes smores, but you and mom can only come outside if you PROMISE not to embarrass me. No stories unless they’re cool, mom can’t hug me, and you can’t rub my head. My hair is nice, and I need to keep it with the gel,” insisted Luke. “I think mom and I can abide by those rules,” replied Andy. “Okay, good,” a distracted Luke muffled out.

“Let me roll up the pants for you too, bit big hey?” Asked Andy as he examined Luke's outfit. “Uhhh yes just a bit, I borrowed them from you. I forgot to ask before, but I needed to look my best,” said Luke. “Yeah, I can understand,” Andy laughed as he rolled them up four or five times. The two managed to place the table into the middle of the deck and place the chairs around it.

“Why did we have to move the table anyways? We always sit over there with it.” Asked Luke. “Well, I know you don’t want mom and I outside with you, but this way we can keep an eye on you two from inside.” Andy replied. “You don’t need to spy on me! I’m a big kid.” Luke expressed, rather annoyed. “I know that, but this is the compromise,” Said Andy. “Ugh fine!” A frustrated Luke exclaimed, angry about being treated like a kid. After all, he was dating now.

“Grab the other end of the tablecloth please,” said Andy as they covered the glass table. Luke carefully placed the plates on the purple tablecloth and folded the napkins neatly, placing the white paper cups above them. “I can’t forget the ranch! Can I put it on the table for us to use for the pizza? Please,” Luke asked. “Of course. I am going to go inside and use the bathroom. Mom is waiting on the front porch for Lizzie and her mom. You can get anything you need from the fridge and after Lizzie arrives, mom and I will go in the living room so you can dish up and come outside,” replied Andy. “Okay!” exclaimed Luke excitedly.

The two headed inside, Luke to the kitchen and Andy upstairs. “Man, even with the window open that smell is still overpowering,” said Andy as he walked into his bathroom, covering his nose. At that moment, the sound of the front door echoed followed by Luke’s scampering footsteps. Andy walked back downstairs. “Okay you guys can go in to living room now,” encouraged Luke to his parents. “Okay, the pizzas are on the counter. Lizzie, please help yourself and we’re right inside if you two need anything,” said Sarah as Andy and her walked out of the kitchen.

As the backdoor slid shut, Andy and Sarah snuck back into the kitchen. “I’m starving let’s have some pizza,” said Andy. The two got their slices and sat at the kitchen table. "I’m going to pour myself a glass of wine. Would you like one as well?” He asked Sarah. “I’d love one, thanks Hun,” she replied. “I have a bottle of Merlot in the fridge that I’ve been saving, let’s have that,” he said as he opened the fridge door. “Hmm, I put it in the door, and I can’t seem to find it. Weird. You haven’t seen it?” He asked Sarah. “No, I haven’t,” she replied.

Just then, Andy recalled what he had told Luke earlier that day. He raced over to the window to get a better look at the two and that is when he saw Luke pouring the bottle of wine into Lizzie’s paper cup. “Oh shoot!” Andy exclaimed as he sprinted outside and grabbed the bottle from Luke. “How does pop sound instead?” Asked Andy to distract them as grabbed the cups off the table.” “I guess pop is good too,” said Luke as he gazed at Lizzie who nodded her head in agreement. A moment later Andy arrived back outside with cups of Pepsi for the pair. Him and Sarah shared a laugh and a sigh of relief as they peered out the window at the two kids laughing to each other while they sipped their wine from the white paper cups.


About the Creator

Georgia Curzon

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