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When Fools Rush In | You're Still Here | FEAR

Journal Revalations

By DāvPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

It’s ok to think of you and your happiness before everyone else’s. Does this make you a bad person? NO! Does this make you selfish? You bet! However, the lesson shows that selfishness is not a bad thing in itself, but self-serving behavior can be. Just be careful when discerning the two and you will be fine.

Then there’s LOVE. Love, Love, fucking Love. You lost a lot recently, but gained even more. Realized that the purity of intentions in love is hard to come by. This was proven to you by many people, and those people helped to teach you a lesson. At first you felt angry and a little lost, above all CONFUSED. Later to be grateful for all of the knowledge you gained along the way. You learned what grieving true heartbreak really feels like (see He Was the Spirit). It’s cold, it’s lonely, it’s painful, and it’s beautiful. Do not ever take time with others for granted, and never hold back your true intentions. You’ll be okay. The pain though, the pain should be felt through and through, then out the other side. It is ok to feel it and also to feel a little crazy because of it. This biggest lesson you have learned to date: everything you’re feeling is ok.


You woke up to what has been building for some time and led to this point.

What do you want?

You want to pursue all of the things that you might have been afraid to pursue in the past. You want to give love, but in a more discerning way. When you love without receiving love you are only hurting yourself and keeping more than one person in a perpetual cycle of deceit. You know what that feels like, do not be a proponent of that energy. You’re still here, stop thinking you are the ghost that you have to ignore in the drafty old house. You deserve happiness, you are capable of everything you want. Make it happen. Stop waiting. You embarked on a new adventure regarding relationships and the paradigms you had previously put into place. Out with the old. Time to build something new. Remember, that does not mean the new goes without fear or doubt, but nothing really should. Should it?


You purged a lot of fears that you seem to have lived with for a very long time. Mainly the fear of showing or sharing your true feelings, whether good or bad. You truly learned to cultivate the art and courage to do so and, in turn, realized it has held you back all along. The concept seems so simple. Instead of facing and processing these feelings, you told yourself you were wrong, overreacting, intolerant. NONSENSE. You are a world of complex feelings and emotions, as we all are. You have some to realize that it is not having the feeling that makes you intolerant or overactive, but how you process and take care of these feelings. That part is purely up to you, although many think they cannot “control” the outcome of such feelings. You used to be one of those people. The fear came from feeling like you had no say or control in the matter. That was just a fairytale created in your mind that you had to break through to realize how much personal power you really have.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

They are not wild untamable creatures. They are part of us, and you have grown to know that they are actually quite civilized. Many believe that these feelings are so vulnerable and so fragile that it is hard to bring ourselves to take responsibility for them. You could ask why, but it always seems to loop back to the same answer: FEAR.


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