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When all Hope was Gone

They came together

By AmandaPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
When all Hope was Gone
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Being stuck in a dark place, full of lies, manipulation and games she has no interest in playing, Lilly has lost hope when it comes to living in her truth. Somewhere she got stuck in a web of lies that she cannot break free from, while everyone just weaves lies and false scenarios around her, she becomes surprised by how many people have turned their head on not only her, but her father also.

She has been stranded 4 miles from town, a town of 2700 people, where everyone knows everyone. However a few years ago, people have changed and Lilly is amazed by how many people accept a hateful, spiteful, deadbeat person who has stolen her fathers identity to be able to use not only his credit, checks, money, but also his house and it has seeped into Lilly's life. Taking her fathers identity wasn't enough, now they have ruined Lilly's life. Every time she stands up and crawls out of the hole that is caked with webs of lies, she gets pulled back so that the people who have stolen her fathers identity can steal what is hers also.

With her mother long gone and Lilly cannot contact her, this lie has gotten out of hand and took Lilly's life in June of 2020. That should of been when enough was enough, but when people are greedy and envious, nothing is ever enough. Lilly got brought back to life in June 2020, and then spent over a week at the behavioral center. When released, the guy and gal that use her fathers name picked her up.

Lilly may have been born in this town she finds so disgraceful, but she didn't grow up there. She grew up in a big city and after many attempts to move back to her fathers, she realized she didn't belong in this small town that she is now stranded in. Lilly likes the city, she has a son in the city and when her father and love was present in this itty bitty place, Lilly still left and her father understood. After all Lilly's biological father never tried to control her, tell her where to be. He only wanted her to be happy, it has always been as simple as that. If Lilly wanted to head back to where she grew up, he was nothing but supportive.

You can imagine Lilly's confusion when this person who has stolen her fathers whole persona, but acts and lives nothing like him. Disrespectful doesn't even cover how this town entertains this hateful liar. They watch and even aid and abed this stranger abuse Lilly. Knowing that she is the light of her fathers life, they do nothing but pretend this no body is Lilly's father.

Why is Lilly so sure that this isn't her father, well I believe children know their everyday parents and the 180 that her so called father did, and the accidents and surgery's shes been told he goes through, no one lives through. When her fathers genes aren't even made to live as long as he is at this time. The dialect also changed when he talks to her, it went from "when I die" since parents usually pass before their children, to "when you die" meaning Lilly.

One could only imagine how confusing this all is for Lilly, and when a little bit of truth was spilled to her, mentioning how unless Lilly is at the run down house her fathers love used to fill up, the bums who stole his life can't be there. This is why more webs and more twisted lies are spun, and now they have her here, no car so she can't leave, let alone feel safe or comfortable.

They don't care about themselves enough to get up and face who they really are, so it's no surprise that they don't care that Lilly needs and wants to be where her son is, Colorado. The frauds only think about themselves, and even impersonated a police officer this past summer to make Lilly feel like common sense is a thing of the past and she can't reach out if she feels like she needs to. After all Lilly doesn't accept the behavior that a little troll treats her as her father from anyone, but now she is forced to, just accept it.

What Lilly's mind is blown about most is that they actually think shes going to give up her real life, her truth and live where she doesn't even like when her fathers love is flowing through, imagine when all that is in the air is hate, envy, jealousy and behavior that no human being actually treats another human being. They truly think she is going to stay, well they are doing everything they can to ensure it. They keep her down and broke, since the car that Lilly was promised, they took and put it towards a pickup truck, that her father would never buy, and one the frauds can barley get in and out of without taking a tumble.

They knew she would head home when she got a car, so they made sure she couldn't get one, when being 4 miles away from a town of 2700 people should be illegal. If one had an emergency, or needed something, like groceries there is no way to obtain them.

Well now Lilly is working, but of course it's just enough to hardly keep her afloat, and she is quite disappointed in the disguise of her once manager at Cost Cutters. In fact last payday, she noticed that someone who she thought was on her side, in fact isn't as much as she believes she is. The persona she shows knows Lilly needs money, knows working until Lilly has what she needs is all she wants to do, but keeps Lilly only working shifts where she can make money, just not enough money to make the move she needs to make to live. No one will face the fact that Lilly shouldn't be here after the multiple death threats the fraud has said to her, and then ultimately led to her dying. Now Lilly has a DNR for her medical.

Considering the ones who need her so they can have a bed to sleep in treat her as if she isn't the only reason they are still able to thief her fathers identity.

Once upon a time, Lilly was living in bliss, knowing that she can't change what they are doing, she changed how she dealt with it. She chose to live her life and love this lie from a distance. These frauds got so desperate in April of 2021, when she finally got some blissfulness back into her life and she didn't have to think about this at all, she didn't need to call on anyone who was just going to lie and hurt her heart. Her father was her best friend and the one person always on her side and everyone needs that one person, who will listen and be there for them and guide them out of a place they are not happy in. That is the kind of father Lilly knows and nothing else.

This circus has cut her off from everyone and anyone who would help her out of this situation that they have forced her into. They are even delusional enough to believe Lilly will call this place home. No love exists here, therefore it is not a home. Not to mention, Lilly couldn't stay when her father was here, she tried a couple times. The length of how long she has been here, it's almost like this person wants to hurt Lilly's father. Making him believe that these frauds are better than him, when it couldn't be less true, she's just trapped.

Lilly who is used to being her own savior, now needs one stat! Lilly's being does not belong to these future felons, it belongs to her and her only, something that these self driven, meaning only lives for themselves and seeing Lilly hurt, gives them joy. They even stand between her and the truth that her father left her for when there was no longer his friendship. Since it's only for Lilly, they ensure to keep her from any part of it.

Lilly's father lifts her spirits, no father finds joy in dragging their hard working children down, because they can't get up.

There is a happy ending for Lilly, she just knows it. She is aware of the value of her presence, and hopes that someone else who lets Lilly benefit from her own existence and the other person also will pre-vail and not let her waste away in no love land. Since she has been alone all summer, she knows shes headed back to the city. She could of had a good summer, but didn't realize she thought she could have a good summer with someone who benefits from her being at her fathers, instead of happy.

The pattern through these dark times is, when Lilly is happy and content, the person there for her life gets enhanced. Knowing someone out there wants Lilly as a purpose and would like to see her happy again, isn't enough anymore. She needs them to come and extract her from this trap.

The frauds who are actually homeless (when Lilly isn't there) with no ambition to change it, who have actually forced Lilly to be homeless more than once, rather ruin multiple lives than experience what they have forced the purpose to experience.

Lilly is ready for that one person who says, enough is enough and means it.

Lilly is ready to leave this circus and everything that it is attached to behind, and she is never looking back. The person who helps her up, has to realize that they are all she has and this circus goes to extremes to keep her down and around for their own benefit, and she needs just one person who refuses to let them contact her in anyway. To be her shield, she has been trying for years to do it alone, and she simply can't.


About the Creator


As a writer who is taking their writing public, it makes me nervous and also excited to share my stories. Whether they are fiction or not, I have an unique writing style, but also so much to still learn. $queenofme. #supportwriters!

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