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What Is the Twelve Universal Laws

What Is the Twelve Universal Laws and How to Apply Them

By PrakuzoPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

The Twelve Universal Laws and How to Apply Them

We've all heard of the law of attraction, but have you heard of the law of polarity, divine oneness, or correspondence?

The rule of attraction is only one of the 12 universal principles, and understanding the other 11 can help us live a more spiritually aligned existence.

Shannon Kaiser, a spiritual author, and Vasavi Kumar, a social worker, discuss why these laws are vital and how we may all put them into practice in this article.

Where did the 12 universal rules come from, and what are they?

The 12 universal laws are supposed to be inherent, unchanging principles of our existence that have always been instinctively known by past cultures.

The laws are frequently related with, a freedom meditation that dates back to ancient Hawaiian culture. Some of the regulations, however, can be traced back to ancient Egypt's hermetic philosophy.

The list of ancient laws has stood the test of time, as Kaiser, Kumar, and a slew of other people all around the world continue to use it. Kaiser states, "All of the principles are about mastering your life with love and joy."

Here's an overview of the topics and foundations of each, as well as how to apply them to your daily life:

The 12 Universal Laws

  1. Law of Divine Oneness
  2. Law of Vibration
  3. Law of Correspondence
  4. Law of Attraction
  5. Law of Inspired Action
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
  7. Law of Cause and Effect
  8. Law of Compensation
  9. Law of Relativity
  10. Law of Polarity
  11. Law of Rhythm
  12. Law of Gender

01. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness, which emphasizes the interdependence of all things, is the earliest and most fundamental law of the universe. It asserts that, beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is linked to everything else in some way.

How to use it:

As Kaiser points out, This one may appear a little esoteric at first, but putting it into practice requires being sympathetic to others and understanding that we are all one.

She suggests putting this law to use by asking yourself questions such, "How can I exhibit more compassion and acceptance toward individuals who I don't understand?" "What would love do?" or "What would love do?"

02. Law of Vibration

Everything is in constant motion at the microscopic level, vibrating at a certain frequency. This is true not only for matter, but also for one's personal frequency. Our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience, according to this law.

"You may be able to accept money, but you may not be able to keep it," Kumar explains, "because vibrationally, you may be working on a lesser level."

How to use it:

If you're looking to raise your frequency (positive vibes, anyone?) there are a variety of options, including yoga, sound bathing, and chakra work.

03. Law of Correspondence

Patterns recur throughout the universe, according to this law, and our reality is a reflection of what's going on inside us at the time. Consider this: "As before, so now. As it is on the inside, so it is on the outside."

How to use it:

This law's motto, according to Kaiser? It's happening because of you, not because of you. ""If our lives are chaotic and terrifying, it's because there is confusion and dread within us," she explains. It is because we are at peace within that our lives appear peaceful and stable."

In any problematic scenario, she recommends asking oneself what the experience may teach you about yourself and what needs to be healed.

04. Law of Attraction

The law of attraction, without a doubt the most well-known global law, is frequently applied for manifestation. Like attracts like, and you receive what you focus on, according to the theory. Not only that, but you have to believe that you can get what you want.

In this manner, it's comparable to the law of vibration; it's critical to understand how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you want.

How to use it:

If you seek love but don't give it, you're sending a message to the universe about your priorities. It's pointless to repeat an affirmation if you don't believe what you're saying. "It will show up in our lives if we focus on what we want rather than what we don't want," Kaiser adds.

05. Law of Inspired Action

The law of inspired action, which is closely tied to the law of attraction, is all about taking those real, concrete measures to draw what we want into our lives. Inspiration frequently comes from within. "That little, inward nudge," Kumar says of inspired action. "A plan of action isn't always a plan of action."

How to use it:

Slowing down, becoming silent, and providing room for internal guidance are all part of this law's application. When we let go of our urge to plan and control how things will turn out and instead remain open to all possibilities, new ways of attaining our goals become available that we would not have considered before.

06. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

According to his law, everything in the universe is always developing or shifting on an energetic level. Every action is preceded by a thought, and thoughts have the capacity to manifest in our physical reality at some point.

Have you ever been in the presence of a negative person and felt your own positivity dwindle? That's one example, but it can also be used in the opposite direction: When applied with intention, higher frequencies transmute lesser ones.

How to use it:

We can actively endeavor to uplift bad energy around us by keeping good thoughts and behaviors now that we are aware of this.

07. Law of Cause and Effect

This law, which is rather simple, emphasizes the direct relationship between actions and events. What's crucial to remember here, according to Kumar, is that the consequences don't always show up immediately away, but they eventually do.

How to use it:

Believe that every action will elicit a response, whether positive or negative. "What you put out there may not come back to you right away," Kumar adds, "but that vibration, that energy, has a ripple effect." "If you're coming from a position of bitterness or anger, putting that energy out there will eventually harm you."

08. Law of Compensation

The law of compensation is inextricably linked to the laws of attraction and correspondence. The major message is that "you reap what you sow," with the law suggesting that your efforts will always come back to you favorably. You must contribute in some way to your goal if you are seeking something.

How to use it:

For example, Kaiser proposes asking yourself, "Where am I being asked to serve and help others today?" to work with this law in a way that attracts (or compensates for) love and support.

09. Law of Relativity

This law implies that we are prone to comparing things in our world, yet everything is neutral in actuality. All things are relativistic, and meaning is ultimately determined by our perspective and perception.

How to use it:

By applying this law, we can have a better understanding of the more difficult aspects of our lives and treat them with more compassion. If we're feeling ungrateful for our living condition, for example, it could be because we're comparing it to someone else's. Instead, we should be content with what we have rather than comparing it to anything else.

10. Law of Polarity

This law states that there are two sides to everything in life: good and evil, love and fear, warmth and cold. Understanding that they are all two sides of the same coin is crucial.

How to use it:

Kaiser uses the phrase to deal with this law. Every contrast adds to the clarity. If you're dealing with a bad situation, such as a breakup or a health problem, consider the contrary, which may reveal a new viewpoint or lesson.

11. Law of Rhythm

Cycles are an element of the universe's natural order. Consider the seasons on Earth from a physical standpoint. We can remember that integration is just as vital as advancement in our own lives. "We want ourselves to be one way all the time, whether we're thinking about our health or even productivity," Kumar says, but this isn't realistic.

How to use it:

Make a mental note of your internal rhythms and try to work with them rather than against them. Do you have a low energy level? Instead of pushing through, it could be best to take a break.

12. Law of Gender

Finally, the law of gender refers to the male and feminine energy that pervades everything. Kaiser points out that much of our society has traditionally run on a macho, "hustle and do" ethos, which leaves little room for simply being.

How to use it:

To live more truthfully, find your personal balance between the divine male and divine feminine forces.


The 12 universal laws are so concluded. Before you become overly concerned, remember that incorporating things into your life is more about comprehending and conceiving them in a way that makes sense to you. To understand how to work with them in day-to-day circumstances, Kumar says it's not necessary to be overly analytical. "Understand the notion and keep it on the back burner in your mind," she advises.

These laws will almost certainly come up again in your life now that you've been introduced to them.


About the Creator


I Write Health and Fitness, Personal Growth and Spirituality

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