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Welcome to My World!

"What a Life...Really?"

By Jenny HudsonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Welcome to My World!
Photo by Jesse Mills on Unsplash all want to know huh? Well here is me in a nut-shell. Well, not really a nut-shell at all!! I am a mother of age 33 with 2 boys; one with autism and the other a "spit-fire." I can't believe I am even saying this! And I very well shouldn't because frankly it is really none of anyone's business. But you lot, lot are so consumed with your lives you have to know the juicy, little sweet and sexy details of mine. So be it!! I have a husband who is 25 years older then me and have been with him for the past 18 years (married 15 though). He is the only man I have ever been with..if you know what I mean! My soulmate certainly winned and dinned me for sure. Otherwise, I might have had a boyfiend or too my own age of 18 years old ( future husband at 34). Here is the kicker and please don't take it to heart..I have known him since age 9 when his daughter; only 3 months older then me, is how we met. So is it better that I got with boys my own age who only want "one-thing", on their minds or to be like my great-grandparents and be with a man like fine-wine and have only one man for my whole entire life?? Want to know more?!We've all heard stories of women's husbands, boyfriends, brothers, or any male in their lives, going for younger women.And honestly, it's somewhat of a mystery. Well, you might find some clarity in these reasons as to why men prefer dating younger women. One,younger women are more adventurous.Next,they crave eternal youth and so choose to be with a younger women.Younger women are more open to new things intimately.Younger women make them feel wanted.In addition, I believe that older women have an emotional maturity that some men can't handle.I do not believe that fear of commitment drives older men into the embrace of younger women.In my opinion, I think some men might find women their age hard to control.I do not believe that intimacy might scare older men.However, younger women are more flexible about having their needs met. This isn't as much of a treat to older men. But it's not always because of these reasons that older men date younger women. Some times, they strike gold and have a genuine connection with their younger partners. And when that happens, it is sheer magic!I am not proud to say that years ago I had a strong stereotype in my mind. It was that a younger woman who married an older man would always be a gold digger. She never worked and never wanted to. The man would be a sexist who only valued her for her youthful perfection and expected nothing else from the relationship but for her to look good on his arm. That is true about 10% of the time, but I was so wrong about the other 90%!Imagine you are a man in your 40’s or 50’s who has gone through an awful divorce. Your ego has been raked over the coals. Every flaw you have has been shouted at you.Now imagine this young woman meets this older man.What happens next is magical. This man finds a woman who appreciates everything about him. He is so smart. He is so put together.He feels like he really is the greatest man too because she adores him. They fall in love and get married.When you are young anyone older should be able to impress you. They typically are more responsible and confident and knowledgeable. They ask you deep questions. They are not just after one thing. Once the younger woman and her peers grow older too, she begins seeing her older husband as ordinary, maybe even as just old. Then there is sex. Women do typically gain a significantly stronger sex drive in their late 30’s to late 40’s. Men, however, typically experience a steady decline. This does not help matters at all.So, the stereotype in my mind was very wrong.As great as it is to have a young partner show you new things, and an older partner teach you new things, there is no substitute for a partner who is your peer.No one can ever go back to the beginning of any relationship. It will never be, “…the way it was back in the beginning.” All relationships have challenges. In my experience this is the unique challenge of an older man and a younger woman as time goes by, simply put, they both get older. Hubby??..When you do read this; just got me babe..through and through til the end.


About the Creator

Jenny Hudson

A mom,wife,a autistic child with a loving,lifelong soulmate of 15 years. An only child; a mother with Parkinson’s with strong ambition;a father determined with creativity. I presently live on top of a mountain; living so close to the skies.

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