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Twin Flame Myths and the Truth

Let’s talk about twin flames

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding twin flames, it is really easy to get confused, or misled by some of it. While that might not seem like a big deal, some of the information can even put people into dangerous situations. Mostly, it just makes people confused about their relationship.

In my work as an intuitive reader, I cover lots of questions about love and have for many years. I base what I share in this article on the guidance brought forward in readings. To follow are some myths that can mislead people about twin flames and the truth.

Myth: You are half a soul and made whole by your twin flame.

Truth: No one is half a soul, no one needs another person to be made whole, ever. Twins share the same soul signature. Think of it as two siblings that share the same DNA only on a soul level. You share a lot, but you are not half a person just like two twin siblings are not half of a person.

It is unhealthy for anyone to rely on another person to feel whole. We need to feel self-reliant, draw from our inner strength, know how to have healthy boundaries with others, and be clear on who we are.

Myth: I have shared lifetimes with my twin, we have always been together in each life.

Truth: It's actually quite rare to incarnate with our twin flame. Typically, they stay on the other side and act as our guide while we are incarnated. We take turns being their guide while they are incarnated as well. There may be one partner who does more incarnating than the other, however.

There are more twins incarnating together now, for the purposes of soul realization, but this is not typical and it means that while you will likely share a number of lives together, you have more lives with soulmates.

Myth: A twin flame is always a romantic partner

Truth: Not necessarily, the first thing to understand here is this idealized romantic twin flame storyline is not what a real twin flame connection is about. On the soul level, we are essentially love, but it’s not romantic love, it’s an all-encompassing love for everyone and everything.

The twin flame connection is more about finding that again, not so much about romance. Its focus is on being able to remember your soul’s truth while incarnated, there doesn’t have to be a romantic partnership to do this. Be open to the possibility of having a twin flame that is not a romantic partner. You can still have a very romantic soulmate partnership with someone.

Myth: My twin is a runner or a sleeper, but I will wait for them.

Truth: If you find yourself in a twin runner or sleeper scenario, no matter if they are your twin, they are not ready for a relationship. By waiting on a sleeper/runner you put your life on hold, this isn’t something you should do. If someone you want to be in a relationship with is not showing up, the healthiest thing to do is move on.

Myth: If I can’t be with my twin, I have to be alone

Truth: If your twin isn’t ready to be with you, that does not mean you are destined to be alone. You can find someone to experience similar lessons and accomplish your soul goals with a soulmate. There are many healthy, satisfying, romantic soulmate relationships that are not between twins but give us many of the same benefits.

Myth: My twin is a narcissist but I need to stay with them to help them heal their narcissistic tendencies.

Truth: Narcissism typically stems from difficult childhoods many people will make excuses for their partner's bad behavior based on this. It is unfortunate that your partner had a traumatic childhood, but it’s not your job to heal them. There are many people, perhaps yourself included who have had traumatic pasts and aren’t narcissistic.

A narcissist rarely sees a real need for change. They might superficially make changes but they have deeply entrenched behavior patterns that can even manifest in a personality disorder (NPD) and this is not something you should have to deal with in a romantic relationship. This is one of the most dangerous myths. If there is abuse of any kind physical or emotional, then staying is not safe. Hearing from someone that you should stay through that and other abuse is simply not in your best interest.

These myths and others make understanding what a twin flame relationship is difficult. Instead, take some time to sit back and focus on being a healthy person, in a healthy relationship instead of idealizing a certain type of love relationship.

Twin flame and soulmate love alike are meant to teach us how to open our hearts, know ourselves and share our expressions in the world. With a partner who supports us and we support as well. Without labels, expectations, or anything that can hinder the truth and beauty of the relationship.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!

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