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Triple Fire Sign

What is a triple fire sign? I am here to report.

By Liz RussPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Hello everyone, especially to all of the zodiac haters out there! Triple fire sign reporting here and without a doubt, spending a couple of minutes within my presence you can feel the heat. I hope you enjoy reading my brief summary of what life is like with my cosmic mix up and hopefully learn more about yours too!

I am a double Leo meaning my moon and sun sign are placed within Leo and my rising sign is in Aries, hence the triple fire part. I often like to relate the natural elements to our zodiac signs when relaying them to others because they often quite encapsulate that person’s general energy and the way we perceive them. As a disclaimer I readily suggest that it does not matter if you believe in astrology or not as to whether you can find it beneficial. Increasingly in secularised society spirituality and beliefs in something other than oneself and their immediate environment can be difficult to contemplate. We have lost our connection into our inner worlds, demoting the importance of spiritual health. So I usually say just sit back and hear me out, and if all you get from it is a moment of self-reflection or clarity into your own behavioural patterns that is a win. Learning more about yourself and how you act and respond to those around you and your environment is only going to aid you with being able to react the way you want to react, become more in control of your emotions, and to therefore excel and grow into the person the universe wants you to be. The reason astrology is becoming more and more popular is because it gives us a moment of self-reflection and glimpse into our soul, and perhaps also an excuse to blame and judge others but let’s just leave it on a positive note!

So with keeping an open mind let’s talk about star signs! As I stated before I am a triple fire sign. What does that mean? I am an August born gal so my sun sign is Leo. Your sun sign is the most common sign that everyone knows. It relates to your yang energetics, or fast-paced characteristics of yourself . This will make more sense when I describe the characteristics of the moon sign, which is to do with your inner perception of self and attributes to the more yin aspects of your personality. The yin aspects being the more slow moving, deep and juicy emotions and energies.

A lot of people who have their sun sign in Leo can often think gosh this is not me. I am not an overly confident, extroverted person and this may because their moon sign is quite different and in opposition to their sun sign. So, if they are actually for example, have a Cancer moon sign which is generally someone who is quite sensitive and emotional (not trying to bag out the Cancers here I know you get a bad wrap! If it makes you feel better my partner is a double Cancer so I speak from experience!), this would contrast greatly with the stereotypical radiance and confidence of the lion and sun, the animal and planet that symbolise a Leo.

Additionally, it is helpful to take into consideration whether or not one is introverted or extroverted. I for one am introverted. I enjoy spending time in small groups of people and recharge my batteries by being alone. I do not particularly enjoy being the “star of the show” however I exude a quiet confidence. I also have the fiercest of Leo's loyalty, as my friends can attest, I am quite quick with the tongue and can brutally cut someone up with my words (and I like to imagine my fists but this has never been tested ) in order to stick up for them. I am someone who sticks to my convictions and is proud to stand up for others and myself. With this being said I am more of a background leader, I don’t mind if others take the spotlight as long as I get the attention and care that I believe is due. Which is very high for a Leo. If you are in love with a Leo or have loved one, you would know that they loveeeeee being the centre of attention and having attention thickly poured all over them. This will always be positively given back, especially if you show them your loyalty. Then like a lion they will protect you and take you into their pride. But a warning. It is dangerous business crossing a fire sign and especially a Leo, they do not take transgressions or dishonesty well. It was an uncanny observation that my astrologist gave me when she told me I was the kind of person who quite brutally cut people off if they did something to damage me. Frighteningly accurate and something I am trying to work on, but it is always worthy to note, be weary of crossing a fire sign because it will most likely come back to burn. This awareness of my ability to sometimes hyper-react in situations is a great reminder to mind my tongue and think about my actions rather than like my natural instinct wants me to do, run wild with the fire.

Now, the moon sign. The moon sign rules your inner world so primarily your emotions and the perception you have of yourself. For Leo’s this generally means quite the dramatic flair and a surprising need for external love and validation. As if a part of a pack, they need to feel the support of others in order to exude their natural confidence. The flair for dramatics is one many Leo moon signs are familiar with, to the benefit of my Cancer boyfriend it manifests in very dramatic love letters (as a Cancer he loves nothing more than me getting vulnerable with him). The need to let their emotions out and be clearly understood can be both refreshing and disheartening as sometimes their brutal honesty is just that, brutal.

I am what you call a double Leo in the fact that my moon and sun are in the same zodiac. This means that I was born quite close to a new moon, either before, during or after by only a few hours. My birth was very dramatic. I was two weeks overdue and then decided to come within 45 minutes! My Capricorn mother said she was in such a state of shock afterwards and always likes to say how I came out like a “rocket”. Plenty of fire and drama in that entrance! It is sometimes interesting to look at your birth story and how this relates to your star sign. Were you itching to get out of the world and therefore born early? Did you come out quickly and late demanding your birth to be on your own terms? Was it time for you to leave the womb but you didn’t want to and rather just tried to stay as long as possible in your safe little cocoon? Always interesting to ask.

Your ascendant or rising sign is something not many people are aware of. It is how others perceive you to be, your social mask if you like. Differing from the sun sign as it is how others perceive you, whereas the sun sign is still to do with how you innately are. It is the face and personality you put on to those new in your life and those just passing through. My “mask” is one of Aries, so while not another Leo placement it is still within the element of fire. The fire signs are Leo, Aries and Sagittarius and we all enjoy being friends with each other! Some of my most favourite people are Sags and Aries because they are not afraid of the Leo fire. They welcome the warmth. As you get more in touch with your true authentic self the relevance of the ascendant sign can become, well less relevant. As you work on destroying your outer mask the importance of this outer perception becomes, well less important. It is the mask you deem society wants you to wear, but as you grow older you realise that society can be quite demanding on how it believes you should live your life.

An ascendant sign in Aries comes across as autonomous, lively and straight-forward. You are able to get things done quickly and effectively and won’t put up with any BS. However, this has the danger of rubbing off wrongly on your more slow-moving colleagues who may interpret it as rude or quick to judge. So, it is best to take things in moderation and balance. Listen to others and understand there is nothing wrong with doing some things in life in the slow lane.

While I am one in thousands of different combinations of cosmic mix ups, and gosh while it does bring a lot of joy looking at astrology memes on Insta. I also believe that after reading a fair few of these short stories there will no doubt be a theme amongst the entrants based off of their star sign and especially the element it relates to. All in all, does me understanding more about my star sign aid me in my journey through this cosmos? It most definitely does (and I am not just saying that as one of the coolest star signs, the great bold and beautiful lion!) as it helps you to contemplate your innate inner strengths and weakness’. It highlights that there may be much more lurking under the surface of yourself and those around you. Where others perceive the fire as intimidating or scary, we zodiac believers know that it may in fact just be a mask where underneath lies terrible insecurity. Understanding your star sign is just a beautiful, fun and joyful way to step into more deeply knowing yourself and what you need and want in, let’s face it , your only confirmed journey on this earth.


About the Creator

Liz Russ

Writing for fun.

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