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The Writing Machine

1,000,000 Words a day, or more

By Delusions of Grandeur Published 3 years ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
My Writing Instrument

It’s almost two in the morning. It’s really quiet; I find that my thoughts are clearer at this hour. I even went for a long run (earlier, around nine in the evening) to think up some fresh ideas for a story. I was motivated. After sharing a link to one of my most recent stories, I received a text message back.

It was a motivational message, that’s for sure, but it was from my sister, so I’ll take it with a grain of salt... It was a message of praise.

I’m now staring at a blank page on my computer screen, as I take off my glasses and rub my eyes. This is how I write: I repeat this process of rubbing my eyes (or my temples) whenever I’m pondering... until the next idea comes along.

I’ve heard some people say that you should just write and see what comes out — but, that’s just too simple. The reality is that a good topic (for a story) is like a good send-off. Once you capture the topic, it takes flight from there. A Writer’s Block is nothing but a 'shortage' — a shortage of great topics. Once the topic emerges in all its glory, you can attack it from all angles; and this is the easy part — it is for me, anyway.

Having said that, I was recently text messaged (as mentioned previously). The exact message was, that, I am A Writing Machine. How so?

Real machines don’t have original thoughts, not yet — or do they? Either way, machines are still pretty stupid; and I’m a human being, typing away on this keyboard trying to write something worth your time — I’d hate to waste it.

But, I might just redirect your flight now — with the announcement of some turbulence…

A friend (who happens to be a pilot) sent me a link: —where AI is being used to generate new images, songs, and even recipes. Humans are brilliant, but it appears machines are now levelling the playing field.

With all the online content out there, and all the libraries full of authors (many of whom may never be discovered) — it raises the question: is the writer in danger of becoming extinct? Will AI be the death of the writer? Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it: A machine that writes stories…

Imagine that. What's next?

How about switching seats on the plane…

Do you know how many articles I just saw posted on Vocal that contained a reference to the latest Writing Challenge? There are enough people entering these competitions that even if you did come out with original work, and you happened to succeed in that endeavour, you can take solace in the fact that you may've written someone's essay for them. That’s the truth. And it’s not an easy pill to swallow — for most people don't appreciate hearing the truth.

Original work — that is worth your time — is not easy to do; let alone when there are hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people competing for the same prize. The odds are truly not in your favour. Especially not, if you’re someone like James Joyce (who wrote at a mere 90 words per day). Assuming he were alive today, it would take him a week just to enter a competition. But, say you just happen to know a lot about the topic for the next Writing Challenge; well then, all the power to you!

I suppose, then, exposure (not necessarily merit in and of itself) — is thus the key to first-class seating. If you post your content on different mediums, you’re going to have more eyes reading your content. Your content exposure is your boarding pass — it’s your ticket to freedom; at least for now — that is, before the machine (AI or other) becomes the death of the writer.


About the Creator

Delusions of Grandeur

Influencing a small group of bright minds with my kind of propaganda.

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