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The truly great people are the ones who use "nature"


By De Ji YuePublished 2 years ago 6 min read


The ancients said, "Youth is like nature, and habit is like nature.

All things have their nature, let's say that weeds wither in autumn. If you can make full use of nature, then the beauty of life can be brought to its fullest. Of course, if malevolent nature is utilized, life will be strangely ugly.

"The mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change", instead of blindly changing your nature, you should go with the flow, instead of being able to live a different self.

Life is diverse, but unfortunately, many people have lost themselves and live as "others". Those who can keep their nature and use the nature of everything seem to be more powerful.



Use the nature of feelings to achieve happiness.

Socrates said, "It is like fathers and sons to love each other, but if we talk about profit and loss, we lose the warmth of the family. A couple united, originally out of love, but to make it conditional on the economy, loses the intention of loving each other."

If you love someone very much, it is because there is a sentiment deep inside that leads you to care for him, help him, and then spend your life with him; the relationship between children and parents is decided as soon as you are born and cannot be changed.

Many people, desperately trying to leave their families or find ways to get a divorce, end up scarred. This is because the original intention of love was violated, leading to bad results.

Powerful people, with the help of feelings, reunite their families together and resolve conflicts within the family. No matter what the economic conditions are and where you are, you cannot separate flesh and blood.

Love is asking for something, but moreover, it is giving unconditionally. When a person tries to love his family but does not ask for anything in return, he will not resent his family. Because giving itself, is happy.


Use the nature of the love of beauty to remove ugliness.

Read a philosophical story.

An old Zen master asked his disciples, "How should I get rid of the weeds at the door?"

The disciples said, "Cut it off with a sickle, dig up the roots with a hoe, and go and pull it out often ......"

The next spring, each disciple was given a small piece of open space and went about removing the weeds in his way.

In the summer, the clearing managed by the disciples still had weeds in it. The Zen master said, "Come on, look at my clearing."

Everyone came over and saw that the Zen master's field was full of flowers and the weeds were nowhere to be seen.

We cling to irritability and also often think nonsense, not because the world is not beautiful enough, but because there are too many distracting thoughts.

It is often said, "The love of beauty is in everyone." If you bring out the nature of the love of beauty and plant "flowers" in your heart, then the distractions will be gone.

Anything, adjust a perspective to treat, with beautiful things to obtain, the results of things can be completely reversed.

Stupid people, like "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", with a vicious method to treat vicious people, with ugly behavior to resist ugly objects, although very hard, but the end of things worse, really need to reflect.


Use the nature of desire to achieve a career.

A rich man said this: "To succeed, you must have desire and ambition."

Perhaps, many people will say that desire is the root of harm and ambition will make people lose themselves. No matter how high your moral cultivation is, it is difficult to completely get rid of ambition and desire. As the saying goes, "The world is bustling with profit, and the world is bustling with profit."

Truly powerful people do not desperately restrain their ambition, but properly release their ambition to become their motivation to move forward.

Let's say that the original purpose of making friends is to take advantage of the value of friends. Therefore, he and his friends cooperate to achieve something together. And when the business is successful, count the money and benefits; later on, if you can not continue to cooperate, then it is good to get together and not drag out.

Several ambitious people together, from a certain point of view, are enthusiastic and motivated. As long as the ambition is within the control, it can be done.


Harness the nature of animals and harness them.

During the Tang Dynasty, minister Shi Siming betrayed the court and wanted to claim the throne alone.

He led a large army and arrived at Heyang. To show his strength and crush the opponent's momentum, he drove more than 1,000 war horses to the river to bathe every day.

The general who was defending the city, Li Guangbi, suddenly had the bright idea to drive a group of mares to the river to attract the opponent's war horses to cross the river. As expected, the war horses gave a neigh and left their master, Shi Siming, to go on a date.

This battle was won effortlessly by Li Guangxi.

As the saying goes, "The power of love is great."

Animals also have wonderful natures that are just often overlooked by us. If using a little, these animals can be of service to us. Instead of trying desperately to domesticate animals, we should use our feelings to touch them.

Horses are good at running, so they become our mounts and take us to pursue poetry and faraway places; hens can lay eggs and create wealth for us; dogs can understand human words and guard their homes; cats can catch mice and can help us guard our food ......

Of course, want animals to help us do anything, the premise is - we treat animals well and build a friendly relationship with them.


The Diversity of Abilities states that a person's nature is good rather than evil, and that children are naturally intelligent and realistic, and will develop themselves as much as possible as long as adults do not restrain them.

From childhood, we have certain special hobbies and abilities, and if we lose them, it will be a difficult time to grow up. Let's say we are all very playful, but we are disciplined by our parents and can't play. Only those parents who are good at teaching their children according to their abilities can make them play with wisdom and meaning.

When we grow up, the hardships of life crush us to death and we simply cannot be ourselves. Not a good job, not satisfied with the salary, not a good look, to accept. The great ones are finding ways to break free from all kinds of constraints and turn what they like, into a career.

Everything in nature has a nature that can become a force that propels us forward. The atmosphere is flowing, water goes lower, rocks are hard and unbreakable, and trees hold water ...... All of them can bring us benefits, while your initial intention must be sunny.

May you and I, be kind to nature, go with the flow, and fulfill ourselves.

Because there is love, our life is happier.

Because of money, we can be clothed and fed.

Because of heart, we live in peace with all things.


About the Creator

De Ji Yue

And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do

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