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The Pandemic

Covid-19 and The World

By Thilucksiri RamaniharanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

The Pandemic

Everyone in distress. Attentive eyes. Confused Mind. Suspecting everyone. Vulnerable people worried to step out on their doorstep. Elderly worried as ever. Shop shelves looking empty. Empty residential areas. Faces covered in green mask. Rubbing hands with Sanitisers. Large events postponed. Online classes. Working from home. Giving up on social pleasures. When you hear a cough sound in a public place, everyone reacts to the coughing. Everyone making sure they are not near to where the cough came from.

All caused by the Pandemic!


Watching Instagram stories and snapchat is very upset. A minority of the people is not taking this situation seriously. It is positive to think they are healthy enough and they won’t be attacked by the virus, so they are ready to use this chance to buy cheaper tickets and go on holiday. Some are still having large parties and events. Some people think going on holiday and taking part in unnecessary events are worth putting themselves and other’s life at risk.

Are you just putting yourself under risk? Elderly and vulnerable people around you may be at risk. There are children, teenagers and young adults who has an underlying health condition and you may be putting these people under risk. Every individual’s life should be the priority than any sort of pleasure. There are other useful things to do right now. Many of us can help others in need, instead of getting involved in any social pleasures, events and holidays.


Elderly people are at higher risk of the pandemic. The most of the elderly are paranoid to step out on their doorstep and doesn’t have anyone around to help them tackle this situation. Be a friendly neighbour who can volunteer to do their shopping and make sure the elderly has their daily needs. Volunteer to visit the local pharmacy to get any medication they are in need. Mental support is a major help. Be open to talk to elderly around you about the situation and give them the hope it is all temporary. Share your phone number with elderly neighbours and let them know you are always ready for any kind of support. Spread positivity around. Give everyone the hope it will all be resolved soon.


Currently, we are even concerned about handshakes. Touching relatives and friends has become scary. we have become selfish about our lives. But there are some selfless people who need to be appreciated and thanked. Every health worker who treats the affected people needs to be thanked. They are selfless. The patients are not their family or any sort of relative, but they are ready to treat them. They have given up on their sleep to observe those in need. they gave up on the family life to protect their family from this pandemic. They don’t go on any social event or gathering. These people can’t be thanked enough. Doctors, nurses, trainee doctors/ nurses, GPs, health care assistant, cleaners, and many others.

The Earth

This is a pandemic, we are worried, but is that all that needs to be looked at? There are still others dying everyday out of hunger, violence, rape, animal killings and other social issues that needs to be focused on. Every individual needs to hold hands to protect this world. Every life that enters this world has the responsibility to do something to protect the world. As small as planting a tree, which will benefit generations after you. Be ready to share food to those who are unable to buy any. Be open to make friendship with those who are alone. Everyone is equal.

Love. Care. Share. Be humane.


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