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The Most Important Numbers in Your Life and How to Fix Them

What are the most important numbers in your life? Is it your age? The number of years that you will live.

By Easy SEO OptimizerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

What are the most important numbers in your life? Is it your age? The number of years that you will live.

Or is it how many years that you have left to live?

These are all good questions. But out of these three questions, only one is known. And of course, that would be your age. I would say that that number is pretty important. It's a good benchmark for you to take risks in your life. Is it the older that you get the less risky you should be?

This can be looked at in a couple of different ways. If you were 66 and you never jumped out of a plane in a parachute, then you might want to take the risk because you have already lived a pretty decently long life.

Imagine if you knew the exact number of years you would live? That number would be extremely important in that scenario. Or how many years that you have left to live? That number would also be extremely important. If you knew you only had seven years to live really plan the end of your life.

The closer that you get to the end of the seven years the much riskier you can be. You can jump off the Empire State building in a parachute. Walk with wild lions. You can pretty much do anything as adventurous and as risky as you want.

How do you fix the problem of having a short life? Well, there are a few things you can definitely do. You can take fewer risks and jump out of fewer airplanes. You can eat less fattening foods. You can stay out of dangerous areas. You can stay close to the shore instead of going very deep out into the ocean when swimming.

What are some other important numbers in your life?

I would say that your cholesterol is a very important number. If that number is too high you are again dealing with more risk.

Your cholesterol number is one that can be easily fixed. You can change your lifestyle and live healthier. You can eat more fruits and vegetables and less fattening foods, and you can go on cholesterol-lowering medication.

Another important number could be the amount of money in your bank account. Let's agree that the higher that number is that the less important it really is. Because if you have a lot of money in the bank you don't have too much risk with not being able to pay your bills or take care of any other financial responsibilities. If that number was extremely high you can also afford to live wherever you want and pretty much buy any house you want.

But the lower the number of your bank account, the more risk is involved. When I say risk in the scenario, I mean having enough money to live. If you don't have a lot of money in your bank account, you cannot enjoy luxuries that others can with a lot of money. You also might not be able to afford a car or nice clothing. You also might not be able to make your rent. You could even become homeless.

How do you fix the issue of having a small number in your bank account? That can be a very daunting task because learning how to attract money whether it be by having a great job or being an entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do.

But it is something that you can definitely fix. You can figure out how to make more money. Be creative and come up with some ideas.

So in summation. I would say that the number in your bank account is pretty important.

Your SAT score can be extremely important if you want to go to college. Your grade point average number is also very important if you want to graduate at the top of your class or if you want to get a scholarship.

How do you fix having a low GPA or SAT score? Well, you can study harder. You can ask your teacher to take the test over, or you can reach out and hire a tutoring service.

Another extremely important number is your credit score. Again, the lower this number is the more risk you take on. Higher interest rates are something else that you will definitely be taking on. A high credit score is very important because you can get credit when you really need it.

You can take out loans when you really need them. You can borrow money when you really need to borrow it. You can buy a car just by signing your name. And you will pay very low-interest rates.

So how can you fix your credit score? Well, you can try not to run up your credit cards. You can apply for more credit available to you which will raise your score. You can ask your lenders to raise your credit limit.

You can hire a credit repair company to improve your credit score or you can work on fixing your credit by disputing with the credit agencies by yourself.

So, this is another great example of how you can fix a very important number in your life.

So, there you have it. These are some of the most important numbers in your life and how to fix them.

Hopefully, this was insightful. And hopefully, you'll get to work on fixing your numbers!


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Easy SEO Optimizer

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