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The culture of victory over failure

Accepting the full version of yourself

By Random ChatteringPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

On the topic of success and failure, many would often be stuck in between. We are all on a journey of seeking the true value of ourselves, and during this conquest we often find ourselves stagnated by the idea of possible failures. Is failure really that bad? Of is it something that can help us grow out of our comfort zones?

We often envy those who seemed to be able to achieve alot of things without much sacrifice or struggles, but we often cannot see what they gave up from the inside. We celebrate the culture of success, as to a person’s wealth, education or social status, but pity those without them. But I often find those who are struggling, but choose to turn their failures into lessons, the most courageous and admirable.

If we choose to put less emphasis on the eventual outcome of every challenge we face in life, and focus more on the efforts that we put in thr peocess. Then maybe we would be able to experience more joy from the wider perspective that we choose to look at the events that happen in our lives. We will be able to let go of the jealousy, agony or sense of loss thst we often experience after we failed to achieve something we expected so much from.

We learn to be more wise from our mistakes, and so we could choose to believe that the next time we try , we could turn something impossible into possible. We have the ability to choose what we believe in and life can take us to surprising places that we haven’t planned for. This year is a real proof of that, a year of self growth and reflection. I mean, what do we do with the conversations within our heads, we often choose to do some self reflection. It could be the things we have said during the day, while everyone has been tense, or the decisions we chose to make about what to do during quarantine. These decisions then lead to what could have happened with lir future.

Because if we choose to take something away from our failures, it would become a rewarding memory and experience in the future. Our failures teach us to switch our gears toward another direction, and move forward with more confidence and peace within our hearts. I love the idea of having a second chance, because that means another opportunity for self improvement. Life is beautiful in that way.

Sometimes even the failures of people around us can help us to learn something about ourselves, and to help those in the middle of a crisis, is actually helping ourselves too. It is a gift to have a conscious mind and heart, to look out for ourselves as well as the people we care for. Never underestimate the strength of a downfall, for we can become a better version of ourselves.

We do not need to compare ourselves to the people we see with success stories, because our own stories are yet to be written. There is no hierarchy in the process of self growth and with less judgement of our own failures, we can defeat the sense of lesser being from stopping us to move forward. There is no formula for success, but it is not measurable by material standards. We would be able to find our peace without having to tell anyone how we achieve it. And that defines success for me. The version of ouselves that we image to be is, is never the real and full version of ourselves. We are all unique and uncomparable , like the stars in the sky.


About the Creator

Random Chattering

ins acct @randomchattering

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