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Tales of the Grey…..

Inside of bounds of Greyhound bus line!

By Corin EdwardsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Tales of the Grey…..
Photo by Philipp Pilz on Unsplash

I haven’t been working at Greyhound for long, but the amount of stories I could tell would be your mind. There is never just one issue or one solution even. There is always something that shakes you to the cord and bring you to the point of no return at times.

One thing I have learned since working in the customer service industry is that there is a first time for everything and patience is key. Having a calm sense of self won’t really help much if you have never been pushed beyond your limits. There are some who will come in and make your day……while some will make you want to quit on the spot!

Today we had one that would have definitely made you want to quit or even just fight. She was acting insane. She was yelling, calling people names and would not leave the building. So our security guard had to call the cops. That’s when things really took a turn. He asked her to leave and she still refused, so he called back up. That’s when she tried to run out of our exit door, but of course was unsuccessful. So the officer starts to arrest her, she turns her back to him and folds her hands in to her stomach. At this point she is screaming and yelling at the officer. She starts saying things like “are you upset because I am trying to defend myself and bond my hands” it was definitely getting weird. At that point two more officers had enter and then it got worse. She started calling them the “B” word and the “A” word and was completely resisting arrest. Finally after a bit of a tussle the officers finally got her handcuffed and had to literally carry her out.

I find it weird that people will go to such great or drastic links to get a point across, good or bad if someone is not hearing you then why waste your time or breath trying to stress something that another person has already proved to you that they have no interest in it. When even customers come to the food area and they express an issue or something that they feel is wrong, they are always ready to give me a lesson on it. Once I have explained to them that it is out of my control, I leave it there. I don’t try to stress it any further because it is obvious they don’t want to hear it.

Over the years I have realized that some people will almost give themselves a heart attack or even fight someone to get a single point across. I learned fathers people I have met and worked with, that everyone’s points of views are going to be different. Some people will agree and some won’t. My goal when I am talking or arguing with someone is not to get them to agree but to understand stand that I think differently than them and that’s ok.

We never become friends with people who think exactly like us, because if we were being honest it would never work. It truly would be boring to only have one set of view on something, whether it is big or small. Being different is being human, your differences make you who you are, I live everyday think, “Why would I want to be someone else, when I myself am just as awesome”. Sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy that face that someone thinks and processes things different than you.

I really hope that the woman from today finds that peace and understanding that she needs. Because caring, is understanding, and understanding is being human!


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