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The Fall From Greatness

By Lara EverettPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Actual Flag during British Brigade attack September 1814

Attorney Francis Scott Key watched hopelessly from the US President September of 1814 as the British forces bombed Fort McHenry. A location that was not an actual war base but rather a base for the families of the military.

The British demanded they lower the Red, White and Blue flag, or they would wreak havoc on Fort McHenry. It did not matter if it was women they would murder or children they would slaughter. The British believed their threat would cause panic in the people of Fort McHenry, and they would take down their proud flag, representing their home of the Brave and Land of the Free. They fought so Perilously to call home separate from the rule of England, to give us our own country!

The people did not heed the warning, and the British kept their promise. The entire brigade released their cannons on the innocent bystanders of Fort McHenry. The flag never fell! It appeared to be standing at an awkward angle, yet as the bombs burst in the air, there was proof through the night that our Flag was Still There!

As the light of Early dawn rose, they saw the smoke billowing off of the poor unfortunate souls of Ft McHenry. There must have been a stillness of sorrow so deep inside those proud and brave Americans. They were hoping with great reverence that so many lives lost, were not in vain. The US President rowed to port to see how it could be that the flag still stood!

What so proudly we held by the twilight's last gleaming with hands of the brave who chose death over surrender. Who so proudly they held our flag in place. Moving brothers and fathers cousins and friends out of their way so that they too could hold that proud flag through the perilous fight. Knowing that death was sure, was not a good enough reason for them to let that proud flag fall. Motivated by the oppression of a Kingdom that only feeds itself and enables it's unfortunate to stay poor and hungry. A kingdom ruled by one, instead of a group of like-minded individuals that agree so that we can live freely and fairly.

I am ashamed of you, America! How can you even look back and call that our heritage, our pride, and honor, now that we hoard the things everyone needs! Fear has grasped your necks and caused you to destroy yourselves from the inside out!

Are we even the same America? We are being brought to our knees by a virus that has a very high recovery rate. According to a report in The New York Times, the total death toll in the USA is 100 people. We have survived worse epidemics than this with way more class and grace and a whole lot more community!

I have a couple of bones to pick with you, America.

If you are so worried about contracting this virus, then why are you shopping along with thousands of other people? So that you can hoard up an entire year's supply of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Wasn't the whole point of closing down schools, sporting events, small groups, sit down restaurants, and so many other places, explicitly enforced to avoid the spread of this virus? But here you are in lines clear down the street waiting. In lines inside the store waiting. Do you believe wiping your cart off with a sanitizing wipe is going to protect you from contracting this virus? I would say that you are highly mistaken. People cough and sneeze and touch their faces all the time without realizing they are doing it. Then they go and rub all over all the things you bought. You don't think they bought every package of toilet paper they put their hands on, do you? I would bet money that they did not.

Ages that contract and die from COVID-19 most are 80 years of age and older. What happened to humanity here in this United States that the people who are the most affected by this virus are the only ones who can't have the necessities they need?

When planes crashed into the Twin Towers and killed so many people, we didn't know we mourned for their losses and the condition of their families. We came together as a country, and we became the Proud and the Brave together. Show the world what it means when we say, "These United States."

Now so many are utterly consumed with themselves that it seems to be of little to no concern who dies from this disease as long as it is not one's self.

Be aware of the reality that the whole world is watching us right now, and the only country that lost it's cold and fell was us.

I would love to see what kind of America we have when this all over. Will you be ashamed of yourselves? Probably oblivious, humanity today has a tough time seeing past the tip of their noses.

Get it together, America the Great. America the Beautiful.

America the Land of the Charmin Ultra Soft, the legacy we are starting our decade off with, and what we left the world with if this virus was to kill us all.

Let that marinate.


About the Creator

Lara Everett

Well, I am a single mom with 2 kids. I have a 13 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. I have currently decided to boldly go where NO single mom has gone before (accept maybe J.K. Rowling) and follow my dreams only experience is passion.

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