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Sometimes You Just Need a Change

There’s nothing better for the soul than a breath of fresh air. Why? Because humans are creatures of habit.

By Angelo CasteldaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

We are all too comfortable with falling into a routine that we accept and perpetuate - even when we recognise that we are not feeling completely fulfilled by it. We often believe that it is simply less hassle or risk to continue with a day-to-day that is familiar than to branch out.

Thus, to break with stagnation and remind ourselves that we deserve more than just satisfaction with our lives, we have to introduce a form of change. An example of an effective shock to the system might be upping sticks and moving to work abroad. Seems logical, but sounds scary. With a little foreplanning however, you can guarantee that the fear dissipates, leaving only excitement and a new-found love for life. In reality, the scariest thing might turn out to be the untimely realisation that we have limited ourselves, going through the daily motions on autopilot year in, year out.

Let us reflect on what you gain from relocating, in the hope of tempting you into making that big change…

Becoming more independent

Although you might have a few initial contacts when you decide to move abroad, the main person you have to rely on when it comes to booking the trip, sorting out legal admin, and making efforts to integrate, is yourself. You will quickly adapt to having to make decisions regarding situations you haven’t experienced before and you will be surprised at the sense of self-assurance or independence you develop, and the satisfaction that accompanies them.

Meeting yourself

As postmodernist author David Mitchell has said, “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” Think you know yourself pretty well? When you are dropped into unfamiliar circumstances or exposed to people/experiences outside of your comfort zone, you might meet new sides to yourself that you never knew existed. When the situation demands it and the moment is right, even the most introverted of people can burst out of their shell.

Cherishing alone time

This follows on from the previous point; once you know yourself in greater depth, you become your own best friend. You become able to distinguish between being alone and feeling alone. Any wisps of loneliness quickly disperse when you are comfortable in your own space and silence.

Open your mind

Whilst learning to spend time by oneself is important and inevitable when you move to a new city or country, this does not mean you will not make new contacts. Being exposed to different peoples with alternative mentalities not only increases your tolerance tenfold, but can also be incredibly inspiring and enlightening in terms of being able to take a step back to better understand the world. You never know, you might end up a superfan of some unusual dishes or customs you only met for the first time during adulthood.

Back to your roots

They say that the further you physically stray from home, the closer you end up to it mentally. Sometimes the only way to place your old way of life into perspective is by making a change. Only then will you truly appreciate how you were living and what traditions/ beliefs define you and the culture in which you were raised.

Relocating can be incredibly rewarding both personally and professionally, and these days, many companies already offer relocation packages to give you a reason to move and make the process as smooth as possible. Finding a job abroad is simple, as there are so many platforms dedicated to internationals, linguists or existing expats who want to work in their native languages - one of the most popular of these being Europe Language Jobs. The great thing is that you don’t always need to be fluent in the language of your target destination nor search for jobs in your perhaps rare mother tongue: you are sure to find english-speaking jobs all over the globe.

By: Carlos Valcárcel, Director of Europe Language Jobs


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