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Silent Purpose

A short explanation of concealing intentions.

By GOMAPPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Silent Purpose
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

My definition of silent purpose, is concealing your intentions for more effectiveness. As social creatures, humans tend to blabber too much causing for unnecessary misunderstandings with others. We even like to strike our ego with phrases such as “speak things into existence” but I’m here to debate that mentality.

Speaking things into existence is just a lazy excuse for not having a true plan. The proper way of expressing a future reality would be planning things into existence. How is it possible to say something is gonna happen without any proof or evidence? It’s not unless you’re a time traveler or just a fraudulent planner.

See the thing is, if you truly have intentions on doing or having something you won’t feel the need to mouth it off. Think of it like a high school crush, most people don’t come straight out to the person they desire and announce their feelings. Instead, they use charm to convince their crush into liking them because of various reasons. Don’t get me wrong though, some people might possess enough confidence to go straight for the kill and might actually win their crush’s heart. However, that approach is risky because the other person might not be interested. So I would advise before you confidently approach anything, do a full analysis and observe the situation.

While practicing silent purpose, there’s a higher chance to receive greater observation considering you’re not always voicing your intentions. To better decipher the last sentence, refer to the cliche phrase “a wise man knows he doesn’t know anything”. To be a great master is to also be a great student, which means be intelligent enough to understand your own ignorance.

Contrary to popular belief, everything in life has a science to it, if not a science definitely an art. Even the way you carry out a plan has a blueprint associated with it. You’ll never catch a big corporation or a wealthy businessman announcing future plans. On the other hand, you’ll see those same people discussing things they already have in motion with no visual proof. The proof is only going to be visual to who it’s pertinent to, not just any set of viewing eyes. This is what I deem as fundamental silent purpose.

To dig deeper into silent purpose, think of a time you might’ve spoke about a self serving idea to a friend, colleague, or family member. Rather we admit it or not, humans are selfish by nature but that doesn’t mean we only care about ourself. Most people don’t understand selfishness even though they’re selfish, so by discussing an idea with someone not involved they’re likely to downplay your idea. This doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily a “hater”, it just shows that personal intentions are meant to be kept private. No one on this little place we call earth will ever have the mental capacity to fully understand another person. If people truly understood other people, there wouldn’t ever be arguments, fights, or wars. The underlining of all disputes come from a battle of mentalities. These reasons are why I personally hold silent purpose to such a high value.

Just like everything in life has a science equipped, it also has a purpose. Cars need roads, roads need cars, good needs bad, bad needs good. Some people like to call this the yin yang, which is just a balance of opposite forces. The actions we make speak for themselves, there’s no need to divulge our intentions. The utility of silent purpose comes with being unapologetic because it’s hypocrisy when you explain or expose your plans to those not involved. No matter how great your plans are, keep the most important ones confined to those who can actually help. You don’t see sport teams conversing plays with their opposers, your personal goals should be kept very secretive.

To speak further on secrets, your plans are not only that, they’re also weapons. Your purpose could be the best defense mechanism you possess if used correctly. In life you have to deal with your friends and enemies, there’s no way around it. Keeping your intentions on private mode will allow you to better display your character. If you spend more time discussing your plans to be great, you’ll be hindering yourself from actually being great. Even as a motivational speaker, you won’t motivate anyone by telling them what you plan to motivate them with.

In conclusion to this brief statement of silent purpose, whatever you plan to do just do it. Don’t waste your time seeking social approval when you’ll have people disapprove either ways it go. If you are to discuss your purpose, only do so with someone that supports you and shares a similar mindset.






About the Creator


American poet, author, and freedom fighter. The goal of my writings are to inspire and motivate. I've been writing since I learned how to use my hands I hope that my words can touch you. Thanks for allowing me to express myself!

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