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Setting Course For A [New] Horizon

"Let's Get It Started!"

By Z-ManPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

This is less a work of art, than a clarification of intention.

I'm finally leaving my job and, unfortunately, the friends I suffered through it with. The good times I stayed there for are gone, but it's never been completely right for me, and I cannot deny that.

So I have to find the way forward. I have debts to settle, bills to pay, but somewhere, I know--

Know that somehow I have to come to know--

How to move forward with clarity and integrity.


So, needless to say, you'll be hearing from me a lot more often now! Financially, this outlet will get me nowhere fast, but I'm willing to give it a try.

After all, it is my belief that there is something here for YOU.

I KNOW that for sure.

I'll talk with you again soon! \m/, B']

- The Z-Man


Apparently my post did not meet a 600 word minimum, so this writing is essentially a forced exposition to give it enough breadth for submission. I am still new to the platform, and forgot that I have run into this issue before. From now on, I will be beefing up my posts as necessary to counteract this--in my opinion--perceived flaw.

I write in the flow. I don't write for the sake of a public quota.

Unfortunately, this poisons my original intention for the post as a whole, but, fortunately, my main point still remains true.


Okay, so 348 words...

Well, actually, less than that now, lol...

Anyhow--Let's Go!

Let me spend the necessary words on the self-help works that are fueling my path forward. There are several that I have spent time on specifically in the past, from books to audiobooks to YouTube videos to articles to digital programs.

I have mainly referred to the works of Anthony Robbins, Coach Corey Wayne, and Dr. Wayne Dyer.

For Tony Robbins, it has come down to working on what makes me tick as a human being.

For Coach Corey, it has come down to working on what makes me tick as a male.

For Dr. Wayne Dyer, it has come down to working on what makes me tick as a soul with a body.

Because I have anxiety for reasons I can and cannot rightly justify, Dr. Dyer's caring words and the like from the "Inner Wisdom Library" on Audible have been a constant companion of mine in my inquisitive and darker moments.

Although I am not yet a 3% man, as those familiar with Corey's work will no doubt understand, I have faith in myself that I am becoming one, in my own way, slowly but surely. Perhaps because I was raised with women dominantly in my near 3 decades on this Earth, my feminine side seems to be--as you may have gleaned--more dominant.

As far as Tony's work is concerned, arguably especially?, it is so densely packed with information and help that I don't believe I have really begun to wrap my head around it yet.

After all,

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Then again, that journey could thus be said to be defined by them. So, in essence, my new journey begins NOW.


With that said,

I'll leave you with another piece of wisdom.

Not from one of the published writers spoken of above...

Or even any you could possibly think of...

But from the vault of my own heart.

Always remember, if you will, what I believe:

That what matters most in life are the ones that you love, and your experiences with them.

There is no telling what awaits us after death. The things we share may last forever--the coffee that helps to open our eyes, the sunrises that must exist elsewhere in the Universe, the reverberations that echo in each of our souls through the remainder of our days--

But not the people that surround you.

There is absolutely no guarantee they will stay by your side for always.

Surely your love will last unspoken, or in tales told years from now, as far as those tales may reach.

But not in flesh and blood.

Not by the tangents of interactive souls.



Remember that.


About the Creator



Hello all! I am an aspiring vocalist, filmmaker + writer. I hope you gain something personal + inspiring from my work here. You are also welcome to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Ad-Libbing With The Zman.

Thank You!



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