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Professional Competition Between Men and Women

Do you feel it?

By Craig DanielsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Professional Competition Between Men and Women
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

In the 21st century, the myth of omnipotent men and excellent business leaders has gradually begun to falter, with more "tough" businesses and industries ceasing to be a men-only territory.

Women have proven that they do well in managerial positions, run multimillion-dollar businesses, manage budgets, coordinate teams, and even subordinate employees… men. And yet, there are still preconceived notions on both sides.

Studies have shown that women have different leadership styles than men and yet they can be equally effective.

Studies also show that employees value the authoritarian spirit more than the democratic one because they associate it with the idea of ​​power and tenacity. The diplomacy and subtlety that women show in leadership do not help much in this regard.

It has been shown in case studies that men, by their very nature, place more respect on subordinates than women. There are also opinions that women leaders rely more on stability and safety than men, at moments of crucial importance for the future of the company as they hesitate to take risks.

Women do not like to make decisions with a high-risk factor, while men tend to "eye" exactly those opportunities that involve taking risks. Women by their nature tend not to promote those qualities that give them the value of a leader, instead, men know how to take advantage of circumstances to enhance their abilities.

Men have an innate ability to know when and how to take advantage of those character traits that benefit them in a certain circumstance and do not hesitate to use them.

A case study by the CPE (Equality Partnership Center) shows that women in top positions avoid being given the title of leader, opting for less formal names. "Coordinator" or "facilitator" and not "leader" are their preferred words. The study also states that women accept the position of informal leader more easily than an official leaders. They prefer to coordinate teams and people not on stage, but behind it.

78% of women who have their businesses are also mothers. However, a 2005 University of Copenhagen study found that women on boards of directors and boards of directors have a positive influence on the organization's performance.

A leadership group of an equal number of women and men has a more diverse perception of the organization's market status. Together with men, women make a decisive contribution to improving the overall image of the corporate structure and work together to find creative and ingenious solutions to problems.

The results obtained by women show that women are more involved than men in the actions they undertake, they are more responsible and more devoted. They show a lot of courage in business and put a lot of work into achieving goals.

There is a cliché that women are not taken too seriously when it comes to business and are viewed with some reluctance. However, it seems that this only happens at a superficial level because those around them realize the integrity and professionalism of a woman and treat her as such. And if it gives you confidence, men will trust you too.

Women tend to look at the strong character of men with some "sting" and apologize for possible failures using as an excuse their status as women and the fact that women are more sensitive and fearful. Women still tend to seek protection from men and believe that they should be treated preferentially just because they are women. In business, however, there is no room for favoritism and sweets.

A strong character belonging to both men and women is synonymous to a large extent with success. In recent years, however, women in Romania are occupying increasingly important positions in various fields such as politics, society, etc.

Women excel especially in areas such as human resources, education, or finance because they rely more than men on intuition, communication skills, and the power to empathize on upon.

Women feel better inside a team, welding and strengthening professional and human ties. For women, the human factor is of paramount importance. They understand better than men the importance of the psychological element in creating an optimal atmosphere at work.

Women can show more willpower than men. What men get as a result of their genetic dowry, women get because they want to.

They are more ambitious and sacrifice a lot of will on the altar of success. I put more passion, they are fully involved in achieving the goals they set for themselves. Women realize that the reward comes after a lot of work and that they deserve it. Women are less self-centered at birth than men.


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