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Preparing Yourself to Marry Wealth

Preparing Yourself to Marry Wealth

By Nish@nt Raikw@rPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


Do you think you have what it takes to be dating, and marrying a wealthy man or perhaps a titled gentleman? Have you already met wealthy men and cannot understand why, even after having sex, nothing happens. They often do not ask for your telephone number; or if they do, they never call as promised?

So you become more timid when you meet others. You think you are not slim enough, not pretty enough, not good enough. You begin to "accept" that you are just plain inferior to those guys.

Well, I have news for you; good news.

You have not prepared yourself for the type of man you seek. Perhaps you do not even know what type of man you really want.

Ask yourself this question: "What is my ideal man?" Please don't answer: "A rich man!" All human beings have different characteristics; different temperament.

Then ask: How will my personality work with his? If you are the assertive, domineering type, should you be involved with a man of similar personality? Could you make the relationship last? Would you feel more comfortable with a man who is more easygoing, good-natured, kind-hearted and self-effacing?

Knowing who you are will help you know who you want. You don't just want to marry someone by pretending you are someone else just because he is rich or titled. Why not marry someone you could possibly come to love each other?

Imagine yourself happily married. How does it feel? How do you like the way he treats you? How does he like the way you behave around the servants, his friends and associates? Are you comfortable around his relatives and friends? If not, why not?

Before stepping out to find the right man of substance that you dream of, you must acquire the necessary knowledge, finesse, of a wife of this caliber of man.

Your behavioral patterns must change to an automatic upper class stance. This starts when you meet him. You must face him as an equal. You cannot show intimidation because of his wealth. Why would he be interested in a woman who displays inferiority complex around him? If he addresses you, look him in the eye and not put your head down and move away from him. He is a human just like the woman you met at church or at the gym. Talk to him human to human.

There are some things that you must know and do so that you will not be an embarrassment to him and to you. For example; do you know how to use the utensils at a formal European dinner? How about entering and exiting a car? How about walking down the stairs in a long gown? How do you hold your skirt to prevent falling? Do you understand a bit about tennis, golf, backgammon? What if you're invited to high tea in London by one of his associates' wives? Would you know how to handle the cup, and saucer; how to eat the scones and sandwiches?

Get familiar with the arts. Check out some art galleries, or borrow books from the library. Get acquainted with the different genre and perhaps study one group that you like so that you may be able to talk with conviction about that particular type of art.

Get to know instruments used in orchestras. Often rich people are invited to functions where orchestras perform. You must be able to know the instruments being used. You could get information at most libraries. Play the music at home often until you get familiar and even enjoy it. Search online for photos of the instruments.

Before you go out to find your man, buy a classic outfit or two. Go to a high-end store and try on some nice outfits. Ask the opinion of the attendant. Do not worry about price at this time. Consider this an investment in your future.

Read a bit of the current events of the financial world, so that you may join in sometimes when the group discusses the latest "bank mishap" or such.

It goes without saying that you must have a good command of English. You will be dismissed the first instant you use bad grammar. If you are weak here, you must brush up on your English. You may take courses online, or adult classes from some colleges.

One thing I must stress: never have intercourse with a man on the first date if you wish to have a long-tem relationship or marriage. I use the 60-90 day strategy. Only on very rear occasions you should get this intimate-still not on the first date. Just look at it from the wealthy man's point of view. He can, and usually does, get most beautiful woman he wants. In fact, they go out of their way to meet him and they go all out with the sex to win him. He knows what they want: his money! He thinks they sleep with lots of rich men for the same reason. They have no sincere motivation. They are, to him, "cheap and easy."

For marriage, he is looking for a real woman with a good soul and genuine affection for him. If you do what hundreds of "easy" women do, he loses respect for you immediately. You are now, for him, a "good-time girl" he can have if he wants to buy you something-or not.


About the Creator

Nish@nt Raikw@r

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