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Perceiving the ethical meaning of the flesh

The disease of the flesh is actually an ethical contradiction

By Chris PagianPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Perceiving the ethical meaning of the flesh
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

We live and exist based on a physical body, and all creatures have a concrete form of existence, and we all exist in a concrete form. But the content and meaning of our existence are not the same things as the state of a concrete body, that is, we do not exist in a physical body, but we live in a larger and broader space and time based on a physical body.

Ethically and logically, the physical body is only a part of our existence, and existence is all we have. This view is somewhat puzzling, and the discernment proceeds like this: If we live in the flesh, what does the flesh live in? The flesh would have to live in being. In this way, existence is our true existence. Can the flesh exist if there is only flesh and no existence? Not. Can existence exist if there is only existence and no flesh? There are a lot of strange answers here, and there are all kinds of answers. But no matter how they are answered, they are all based on the imagination of the existence of a physical body, and without the existence of a physical body, there would be no such imaginative answers. This shows that, logically, there is no corporeal body that can leave existence, and there is no existence that leaves the corporeal body, and separating the corporeal body from existence is purely a matter of our imagination. And this image is not logical, and what is not logical will not exist, and it is we who are harmed by our forcing it to exist in our imagination. For then we can only exist in irrational logic, and irrational logic is characterized by running contradictions, contradictions that will ravage us mercilessly and make us suffer.

The existence of the flesh is typical of the irrational logic in which we have been operating for thousands of years. It is inconceivable that we tolerate and accept the existence of this irrational logic, that we spiritually operate in the flesh, that we limit the existence of the spirit by the logic of life and death of the flesh, and that our flesh exists in a state of abnormal use. For the sake of material logic, we aim at the existence of the physical body, and for the sake of the logic of materialism, we aim at the existence of the spirit. Materialism emphasizes the existence of the physical body and demands material health and longevity; mindfulness advocates the renunciation of physical existence and persuades people to be born in the Western paradise after death (renunciation of the physical body). This makes people contradictory. If the physical body prevails, people will die soon and the inevitable destruction of the physical body makes life meaningless; if the spiritual body prevails, what can we do with the physical body? The existence of the flesh becomes an embarrassing burden.

We can neither live only in the flesh nor let the flesh live only in the spirit, this selective dilemma is expressed in our lives, is the confusion of life and values, so that our life does not know whether to emphasize the material or spiritual? The result is that the material loses its meaning and the spiritual is empty. Why is there such a dilemma? It is because our concept of the flesh is in a state of irrational logic, and we do not know how to use the flesh? What can we do with the body? The contradictory logic of the flesh makes our life and behavior irrational, and we have to run blindly, allowing ourselves to wander between the material and the spiritual, and either side will incur punishment.

This means that our flesh has never existed rationally, and we have never used it properly, so it has become the scene of our ethical torture. The main and fundamental reason why people's health is deteriorating, besides the obvious health factors, is that we are using our flesh paradoxically, making it a catastrophic scene of ethical conflicts and logical contradictions. The deeper cause of our disease is the irrational operation of ethics, collision on all sides, fire everywhere, contradictions everywhere, and wounds all over the body ...... Why do people feel sick at all times and experience pain for a long time? Can the flesh function healthily when it is in a state of disorder and confusion of ethical logic? Why do religions emphasize meditation with closed eyes? Emphasis on leaving the earthly fires? It is to try to create an orderly personal micro circle so that the ethical logic can achieve a reasonable local order within the scope of the individual, and the physical body can be justified for a short time. But can this be done? Can an egg survive in the mud? Can a drop of water exist in a fire? This is the reason why religion cannot save the world and save people.

What is the nature of the flesh? The essence of the flesh is existence itself. What do we do with the flesh? This is the key to the reasonableness of the existence of the flesh. If we use our flesh to compete for existence, to experience life and death, or if we use our flesh to repent and atone for our sins and practice, there is no doubt that this is a disaster for the flesh, and the flesh is bearing all of this. If we use the flesh to perceive existence, to perceive the pleasure of existence. Then what is the state of the flesh? The flesh is the state of active, stable, orderly, and continuous operation, which is the ethical state without contradiction and conflict, which is the state of operation by the purpose and logic of existence. In this state, what reason is there for our flesh to be sick? What reason does our physical body have to suffer?

Our physical body is no longer a life-independent being; it is the being of the mutual movement of existence, it is the pivot of the operation of perception, and it is the core of existence. This use is the normal ethical state of the physical body; it no longer serves the artificial purpose of survival, nor the artificial purpose of spirituality. It is the operation of perception itself, operating in the movement of perception to accomplish its mission and task. We get our needed perceptions from the physical body, and our perceptions are the reason for the existence of the physical body. Our ethical relationship with the flesh is manifested in perception; we and the flesh are an indivisible whole with everything that exists, any division is irrational, and any division can only bring us suffering.

In such an ethical logic, would the existence of the physical body still be a problem?


About the Creator

Chris Pagian

Spontaneity is the character, things are not more than three is the principle.

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