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Overcoming the mind

Changing the mind

By Faith Ann CoatesPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The mind is a tool. A renewed mind is a gift. The mind contains many different faculties and imagination is a place where creation is born. New ideas come to life here. Even current situations are entertained here and decisions are made, bringing a new path is birthed. Here you can find clarity and you can learn discernment. We were gifted this imaginative faculty of the mind. The word imaginary is defined as only existing within the imagination. The ego is not a creator, it can only copy and twist the truth. All worldly things are a mere twisted version of the truth. The world is full of lies that have become “real” to us. It’s a deception. Somewhere down the line someone chose to limit the creative power and expression of our imagination by creating a defining line in which this idea exists strictly in the mind and never outside of it. But the word imagination, broken down into Latin roots, is actions perceived in the mind. What you perceive is the reality of the world. Your imagination is a gift of sight, possibility, and a means to make decisions regarding what you want in your life experience. We were raised with the idea that to be imaginary is to be unreal. The truth is that the imagination is just as real then this life as we know it, within this physical reality.

Naturally, certain belief systems are embedded into people, into the subconscious. It must become a conscious intent to break free of it. Renewing the mind by finding the truth. ensuring that the truth aligns with your world is crucial. Simply recognizing that this three dimensional plane, this physical world, in its entirety is not the totality of all that was created, is a step to breaking away. Another step is recognizing that some thing or idea does not need to be manifest in physicality to be real and true. Those are false belief systems seeded in humanity over hundreds of years to limit the fullness of what truth is, how it is, and what it is capable of through us.

Limitations such as this were set forth so that the idea of separation is maintained. The ego wants you to believe two things in this scenario: That the presence of truth in you is not a real thing or that it is real, but it doesn't actually have power in you. The reality is that the presence in you ultimately allows you to take dominion, authority, over the ego. Man was created to take dominion and authority over the earth. The life force in us is to be expressed outside of us. The truth, through us, takes all authority over the Earth, over our worlds, over our lives. Naturally, the ego does not vote for this type of government.

This is the kingdom of the demonic realm, that ego inside. As you're unhappy, hopeless, faithless, apathetic, it watches pleasingly on your lost and disconnected soul. The ego wages havoc as guilt, fear, anger, selfishness, anxiety, and darkness flood throughout your world, throughout your life. It binds you with ridiculous ideas of powerlessness. It is your job, your right, and your responsibility to take back your power and claim it as it is meant to be, your own inheritance.

We are sons and daughters of the truth. No unclean thing touches you; unless I give it authority. No one in their right mind would give a filthy thing authority over their mind, except through ignorance. Let us not be ignorant of the devices of an enemy.

Look consciously and focus to find a flicker of goodness within the false kingdom of egoic beliefs. You don’t need to see the whole light, finding a single flicker guides your first steps. That first step is the one in which your path lovingly unfolds before you. Stand firmly in your decision to disengage the ego and engage the fullness of your being. Recognize, as a child looks at a father, you are a part of that family. Stand empowered in your heritage. Acknowledge and accept that within your divinity you are given free will and you are given power and authority, as creators, to create your world and life experience. This era fails to raise their young within a belief structure that allows this form of freedom and expression. You may not have been taught empowerment, but you are now being taught empowerment. Now you are able to consciously take responsibility for the life you unconsciously created. You can now retrain yourself to consciously create the life experience you want. Take the stand fully empowered on top of your world, with authority above it all, command it.

It’s the life-giving Spirit that is alive and active in us. The Spirit is the change; He creates the change. In the beginning of creation, it was the Spirit that moved and created. It’s the Spirit that brings things lo life, ideas, dreams, desires. This was all ordered from the beginning for us to receive the fullness of a life-giving Spirit, full of power. But, it’s not the power we seek, it’s the relationship. The Spirit is alive, The presence is tangible. That “gut feeling” you get when you “know” something, that’s not coincidence.

The ego has sat upon a false throne in your world for so long, enslaving you with mental chains, brainwashing your beliefs and feeding you deceit. You didn't realize you had control and that you allowed this to happen unintentionally. The beautiful thing within the physical realm is that change is the only constant. The only infinite guarantee is Spirit and truth. It’s the only thing that always has been. We can’t save ourselves by ourselves. Stand strong and step forward powerfully as you break through chains. Step into your authority and announce the presence of your empowered Spirit. Embrace your entitlement as creator of your life experience, decision maker, and over seer of all that enters your world. Eventually, you begin to see the ego deflated and the demonic flee, both startled and frightened. The little foxes, caught in the act, disguised as ferocious mountain lions. Don’t let the little foxes steal your fruit. The illusion is over. Watch it run away.

This is all a process. Rushes of perceived power may surge through you at times but then fade away. This is because it's not become true within you yet, not yet a solid foundation. Little by little the old self flakes away, like the shedding of old skin, as the true foundation becomes firm. It's a process where you will be taught obedience, tested, and disciplined by the Spirit. The path is narrow and few will walk it. Even fewer will persevere against all things. It's painful, it's terrifying, and it's sorrowful. If you take heart you’ll go from glory to glory.


About the Creator

Faith Ann Coates

Faith is a writer, artist, photographer, counselor, designer, and entrepreneur. She holds a degree in Psychology. Faith operates as a Teacher of the Gospel and also walks in a prophetic Anointing. She loves nature and loves to laugh.

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