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Operation You: Taking Charge of Your Own Life.

Charge of Your Own Life.

By Paramjeet kaurPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You frequently have no influence over the things that happen to you. Your boss is not feeling well. Your football team lost during the postseason. Your car won't turn over. Numerous of these things are outside your control. You might have some sway over them. For instance, regular maintenance on your car increases the likelihood that it will start, but most of that stuff just happens. If you spend too much time worrying about anything, you'll waste the energy that you could be using to make a difference in your life.

Everything that occurs as a result of you and your actions is entirely within your control. By realising this, you take control of your life and deprive those around you of theirs. In other words, no one else can stop you from achieving your goals. That's why I said earlier that you need to clear your own path.

Are You the Effect or the Cause?

The concepts of external and internal locus of control are taught to psychology students. When you think outside forces are in charge of your circumstances, you have an external locus of control. While you feel in charge when you have an internal locus of control. When you have an internal locus of control, you accept responsibility for your life's events. Personal responsibility is essential. You put yourself in a position of power when you accept responsibility for the events taking place in your life. You position yourself so that you can fulfil your dreams.

Cause and effect concepts are taught to NLP practitioners. When you are in charge, you are the cause; you decide how things will turn out. When you are in action, the outside world has an impact on your results. It is crucial to comprehend how these two stances differ from one another. Cause is an empowering viewpoint. The result is demoralising. The place of effect enables you to justify your disappointing results. Cause does not exonerate you. You must take responsibility for and maintain control over your responses, actions, and results if you desire positive results in your

People frequently utter phrases like "You really annoy me!" It makes sense, doesn't it? However, unless you give someone the ability to make you feel something, they cannot. You always have power over how you react, regardless of what someone else does. You can decide to be upset. Or you could decide to stop interacting with the person. Or you may select a different option. If you don't give them the authority to irritate you, the person in question cannot do so.

This understanding contradicts conventional wisdom. It is both terrifying and empowering. Nothing can get in your way while you're in control, right? And even if anything does obstruct your path, you can work around it. It also implies that your justifications are invalid. If you accept full responsibility for your life, everything that goes wrong will be your fault. There is no doubt that the road is not simple.

3 Ways to Empower Operation: You

To propose that you should instantly alter your way of thinking may be a big leap. Although it is conceivable, doing that is very challenging. Instead, try these three exercises to start accepting complete responsibility for your actions and your life.

1. Start a Journal

If you rely solely on recollection, it could be challenging to comprehend what is going on in your life. It's possible that your memory of events does not match how they actually occurred. And as time passes, those memories may start to resemble tales rather than actual events.

Monitoring your advancement can be challenging as well. It is nearly impossible to comprehend how far you've travelled without a precise written record of what came before. You might overestimate or underestimate your development without such a record.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful is paying attention to what is going on in your life at the now. We frequently miss what is happening in front of us because we are so preoccupied with what we lack as opposed to what we do have.

If you don't want it to be spiritual, mindfulness need not be religious. One of my favourite ways to practise mindfulness is to thoroughly immerse oneself in a cup of coffee while sitting quietly. enjoying the tastes, smells, touches, sights, and even sounds. It only takes five minutes, yet it serves as a stark reminder of how much we miss out on every day as we rush through life.

3. Model Your Idols

Achievement leaves traces. You can learn how to attain what you desire from others who have gone before you and achieved your goals. You can pick up their techniques without ever meeting your heroes. You can read biographies, listen to interviews, and even go to events.Many of the people you look up to have fascinating and instructive tales to tell. Think about what the people who came before you can teach you. Prior to beginning your investigation, decide what it is that you hope to discover. Pay close attention to the procedures, practises, and routines that your role models used to achieve their goals.


About the Creator

Paramjeet kaur

Hey people! I am my own person and I love blogging because I just love to share the small Stories

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