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My Problem.

My problem is more than just words on paper.

By Theresa EvansPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
My Problem.
Photo by Yuhan Du on Unsplash

My problem is I hear what you are saying, but I see how you are moving.

The average person can say loads of beautiful words, but I am looking at how you move with those words. You can not just say things and then expect me to go along with what you say when your actions do not align with your words.

I had to learn this lesson the hard way when it came to people telling me things. Anyone can say that they are a good person, but are they really a good person or just saying things they think you like to hear? You have to know the difference between the two because if you don't, you will find yourself in many different emotional tides with people that should not be attached to you in the first place.

People never want to be part of the process, but they want to be part of the outcome.

We all know someone with this type of mindset, and because we know these things about the person, we learn how to communicate differently with them. Because we already know that they would not be able to handle the hurtful parts of the process, once they see that you have overcome the challenges that came your way, they want to be part of the outcome.

With these types of people, you have to set boundaries because if you don't, they will say and do anything to make sure that others know that they were part of the process with you when in reality they were not. They only show up when they see you are becoming successful, and this doesn't just limit financial success; this includes everything around you. These types of people are not bad people. It's just that they need to feel needed in some shape, form, or fashion and what better way for them to feel needed to show up with the outcome is around.

The process is where you figure out who's worth being part of the outcome.

It took me a while to learn this lesson and now that I have gotten the lesson there is no going back for me. I have learned how to enjoy and embrace the process of my growth and development. When you get to this level in the process you will figure out who is worth being part of the outcome and this is so true. Everyone is not going to be around you when you are going through the blood, sweat, and tears of healing. Most people would and do love to tell you how you are supposed to feel about something or they will try to push their agenda on you because they feel that their way is better than yours. No one can tell you how you are suppose to feel about something and this is why it is so important to have boundaries in place.

A true friend is going to make the corrections automatically once they have heard what the issues are pertaining to their relationship with you. I never wont my inner circle to every doubt what I say and do and even if they do see some changes they will make sure to communicate with you to make sure that they are still on the same page as you. If you find out that they are not on the same page as you don’t jump to fast, wait and talk to the individual about what happened first and then you can make the choice to keep them around for the outcome of your success or let them go.


About the Creator

Theresa Evans

I am a woman on fire for the love of life and being able to reach one life at a time through my words. If I can reach one then I can teach one the art of healing one's self from the inside out all mentaly

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